sand beneath our feet
so we can shed the past behind and dance on the beach
Playlist Length
0 days, 4 hours, 8 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
August 12, 2017
Mixed Mood
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I usually start with one or a few songs that I know I want on it because I'm really feeling the vibe of them at the time. Usually for me that's a matter of my mood and the weather at the time. Sometimes it's nostalgic. For Spotify I tend to not set the image for my playlist covers but actually just choose four songs with album covers that look nice together and also fit the vibe of the playlist. E.g. [sand beneath our feet]( a chill summer playlist, or [how to make snow from cotton balls]( my winter holiday mixtape from last year. Then it's just adding more songs! I try to not include the same artist too many times, and at least not multiple of their songs in a row. Sometimes I use Spotify radio feature to find similar songs (or just look at similar artists from one artist page). I also keep a private playlist of songs that I like / find unique that I want to feature on a future playlist but haven't found the one for yet. And then I listen over and over, sometimes just at the transition points between each song, to see if it sounds ok. Some songs are easy to place because they start kinda slow or quiet and have some space at the beginning & end. Others might be harder because they were built to flow right into another song on the album or they begin/end really abruptly. So it's kinda just trial and error. On shorter mixtapes I switch up the genres more and expect it to be a bit messier and just hope it sounds charming in that way. On longer ones I'll group some songs by mood/energy/lyrics and flow through to the next group.
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2/17/19 22:11
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