Hanukkah Songs

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Spice up your holiday get-together with our epic Hanukkah-themed playlist. These family friendly tracks will keep you dancing through all eight nights of Hanukkah. Find more music like this at PJLibraryRadio.com - the home of Jewish Kids Music!


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0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

December 21, 2016


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***Awwwwwww.*** This makes me feel so charmed and just...a lil emotional. ***I*** was once the 5 year old who BEGGED my mom to buy me a hanukkah book (it came with those musical buttons, gelt, and a driedel!) -- which she did. And then many years later as an adult, I formally converted to Judaism and told the rabbis overseeing my conversion that story of me, age 5. This might've actually been while we were in Singapore too. I got to learn about loads of cool Asian holidays as a 5-6 year old kiddo living there, like Diwali, Chinese new year's, mid-autumn festival, hungry ghost festival... I still like to go see CNY parades when I can, I love watching the dances. I'm not saying your son will be just like me, of course, but no matter what comes of his current interest later down the line, it's awesome that he is so enthusiastic to learn about the world around him and has a parent who wants to nurture that! I ***still*** appreciate how much my mom tried to teach me and let me explore things I was interested in as a kid. I second all the recommendations you already got. I also agree if you can find it, the Rugrats special is cute. If you can't, BimBam is a free cute online channel with animated shorts about jewish topics. Their show Shaboom I think was originally pitched as like, something that parents (regardless of whether or not they were religious) would feel good about, emphasizing "jewish ethics," rather than theologies. and here's some of their videos related to hanukkah: * [\- The Chanukah Shaboom! Special - Great Miracles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvUmL5TOP74) \[Shaboom is most aimed at his age, ish, I think?\] * [\- Learn to sing Chanukah oh Chanukah!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YicVIY8cfg) * [chanukah 101](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvFqBimGuIQ) \[this one is aimed a little older than 5 years old, he may still enjoy it. Or you might find it useful.\] * [\- The Hanukkah Story for Kids: Maccabees, miracles and dreidels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G40SlkmZkqU) **Shalom Sesame** \- which is Jewish focused Sesame Street - has a [playlist just for this holiday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQft5EdHzkk&list=PLoWIhAysYVHg6tycA6AozE5zdf82bd2yv). I haven't watched this personally, but this is a PBS episode special about the holiday: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRIWOjBIa2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRIWOjBIa2A) SUPER WHY! FULL EPISODE | Judith's Happy Chanukah also for you, and anyone, really -- the book my mom kept on the shelf as a resource was "[How to be a Perfect Stranger: The Essential Religious Etiquette Handbook](https://www.amazon.com/How-Perfect-Stranger-6th-Essential/dp/159473593X/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=to+be+a+perfect+stranger&qid=1638401606&sr=8-1)." he's too young for reading it, but *you* might find it useful. your library might have it if he ever gets interested in another religion too. and for just helping teach the etiquette of respecting cultural/religious diversity through examples. other fun stuff: * [pj library's printable puppets](https://pjlibrary.org/getmedia/b42a2c80-9d91-4515-a409-ce1f786f5d3d/Maccabee-Stick-Puppets.pdf) \- just stick 'em on a popsicle stick, or pipe cleaner, etc. and anything in [their hanukkah hub,](https://pjlibrary.org/hanukkah?utm_source=Blog+Posts&utm_medium=Post&utm_campaign=Hanukkah+2017&utm_term=n/a&utm_content=blog+posts+more+info) really! (sneaky veggie latkes! haha.) * PJ Library's blog post of [specials you can find online](https://pjlibrary.org/beyond-books/pjblog/december-2016/hanukkah-videos-and-movies-to-watch-together): links to the Blues Clues Hanukkah episode, Rugrats, Shalom Sesame, other PBS kids hanukkah special episodes (apparently there's a buyable playlist on itunes, but also you can find some of these on Amazon, netflix, and hulu), and Clifford (Amazon, netflix). plus the bottom has their [spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/12PiH3pxbVFNPYo59bPu4k) playlist. * [this blog post is similar,](https://everydayjewishmom.com/2021/10/19/kids-hanukkah-tv-2021/) and gives you one line summary takeaways of the episodes and they also have "[hanukkah activities for preschoolers.](https://everydayjewishmom.com/2019/12/02/hanukkah-activities-for-preschoolers/)" * crayola also has some [coloring pages](https://www.crayola.com/free-coloring-pages/holidays/chanukah-first-night-coloring-pages/) and print-out dreidels. googling hanukkah and coloring page should also do the trick, haha. * [dreidel instructions for you, the adult.](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/how-to-play-dreidel/) (ultimately it probably won't matter, he probably just wants to spin and get candy.) good luck!





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12/1/21 19:01


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