Electroswing Brief

Playlist By

Will Carius

Data Refreshed On

February 13, 2024

Open in Spotify



Playlist Length

0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

June 28, 2021



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Reddit Post

Good morning all! Two big announcements today! 1. Because of the dramatic increase in the price of non-menthol cooling agents (it has as much as doubled for some materials), we will not be releasing Terror this year. It's just too expensive to be viable. So, instead, we're returning [Arctique](https://imgur.com/a/5eLlFpD) to production and making it stronger to boot! I'm upping the menthol by a full 30% to produce something that, to be honest, I really wouldn't want to shave with. But I know some of you guys have a real thing for that kind of masochistic exercise, so this one's for you. :D Available in shaving soap and aftershave splash (no balm). 2. Right. The big one. In the latter months of 2021, I contacted Shawn Maher of Chatillon Lux/Maher Olfactive and commissioned a fragrance inspired by one of my favorite musical genres, electroswing. Drawing on the methods I've been using to develop fragrances for Berceuse, I sent Shawn a [**playlist**](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ODRCI8DLtOgqGmQQkWwSf?si=7c74a5dc267c4e62) of eight songs from which I wanted him to draw inspiration. What he submitted in return is a fragrance that smells of hot nights on the dance floor, of neon lights and ozone and all the wonders of electronica and brass melded together into one remarkable, deeply inventive design. I doubt you've ever smelled anything quite like it. I know I haven't. Thus was crafted [Electric Mayhem](https://imgur.com/a/GfXXLRC), the first collaboration between Barrister and Mann and Maher Olfactive. An incandescent, strikingly inventive fragrance that resembles nothing so much as the smell of hot neon lights, it will be available as a shaving soap, aftershave splash, aftershave balm, and EdT. Special thanks to Raza Durrani for his fantastic labeling design. :) Both of these fragrances will be available on our site and at participating retailers on Tuesday, June 21st at 12 pm EDT. Have an awesome week!





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Reddit Timestamp

6/7/22 10:01


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