The Ultimate r/BandMaid Setlist

Playlist By

Patrick Farrell

Data Refreshed On

October 18, 2022

Open in Spotify


As decided and voted upon, in order, by the members of the r/BandMaid Reddit Community.


Playlist Length

0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated




Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Info

Reddit Post

Playlist link: Quick point, I know my math on the list breakdown is wrong. I've just woke up and I can't edit the image 😅 I'd like to take the time to thank everyone for taking part over the last 3 weeks, I sincerely hope that somebody out there was looking forward to seeing the threads as much as I was looking forward to making them. Thanks to the upvoters for the threads and songs, and thanks to the mods for allowing me to basically spam this wonderful subreddit without reaching out once to tell me to stop. I love the way that as a community everyone tried to build a show, rather than a setlist. The idea was originally "If we went to a show, these are the songs we want to hear that would make us never want to see the band again as it wouldn't be topped", but over here on r/BandMaid, you guys came together to ensure that the tropes still stood, such as "Saiki gets a break" and "Miku gets her songs" and "This would be a great part for an instrumental". You guys didn't build a setlist, you guys built a band maid show with songs you want to hear, and you all did it without once communicating or actively collaborating to do it. You all had this mental conditioning of "Instrumental here" etc as mentioned above. I really admire that and was smiling ear to ear when I noticed the tropes coming in! I hope to do something like this again in future, but it's a lot bigger than this, more people will be needed to vote and the blessing of the mods will be needed. We did setlist... What about the ultimate playlist? Also if somebody could make an apple playlist that'd be class THANK YOU PO!





Reddit Username


Reddit Timestamp

5/18/22 6:47


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