To See What You See

Playlist By

Charles Fowler

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February 13, 2024

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0 days, 5 hours, 28 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

October 25, 2019


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Sup Nerds: I’m here to present my first inspo album and [playlist I listened to while developing it]( This is sort of a personal inspo album (**DISCLAIMER**: it includes some of my own fits, sue me) and will be influencing a lot of what I wear this coming Fall and Winter. I would consider it a basic bastard+ expansion album and my first serious attempt at locking in my personal style. This album has several themes, the overarching one being an updated take on New England Prep or Ivy/Trad. I’m no expert and most of my ideas have come from observations and reading, so feel free to correct me or add in anything you can think of! Born and raised in New England (and currently living in Boston), Ivy has a very special place in my heart. It feels very familiar and like a slice of home to me. My dad was at an Ivy in the 70s, around peak Take Ivy era, and, based on his old photos, he could have easily been amongst the students on any of the pages. Growing up, I was instructed in the art of oxfords chinos and sweaters and those have formed the foundation of much of my style. Over the years, I’ve explored a lot of different styles: normcore, minimalism, I wore all black for a few months, and I was deep into slim fit up until recently. However, the recent Beams+ album reminded me that all I needed was Ivy. Inspired by many of the users of this sub, and the new wave of preppy streetwear, I’m ready to rediscover my New England roots. So with that in mind, I present my New New England Style guide, along with a break down of some common themes of the album: * **Yellow:** Right off the bat you’re gunna see yellow. A yellow rain jacket is classic New England, It calls to mind the nautical tradition of whaling towns of Mass and Maine. Plus, Yellows a great pop of color and plays really well with Green and Blue (colors I know you’ve got in your closet) * **Thick Ass Materials:** Flannel, Corduroy, fleece: These materials are cozy and warm, but hard wearing, and go perfectly with a pair of bean boots for a weekend hike. Double up on or mix any of these fabrics for a cozy, modern Ivy look. * **Camo:** I love camo. I used to hate camo, but now I love it. It’s a great print, and the large abstract patterns in earth tones means it can easily fit into a basic bastard wardrobe. I love how many of our users mix the bigger camo patterns against smaller patterns. (FYI, the best camos are raindrop or tigerstripe) * **Layering:** This one's obvious. Its fall, it's getting colder. Add in some texture in dimension. I like the layering done by the Bureau Belfast with this years EG line. Lots of cool textures help break up monotone fits. - **Wide pants:** MFA is clearly divided along party lines, and I’m throwing my hat in with the Wide Pants crowd. Wide pants make for a great silhouette and add some very casual vibes that I think are perfect for a style defined by college kids dressing down for class. Add some serious slouch with classic fall materials in wider or tapered shapes. Fall is the chance for bigger sweaters and jackets, balance them out with some bigger pants and heftier shoes/boots. * **Rugbies:** My new favorite layer. Really cool over an OCBD and perfect on their own rugbies are like other New England staples: thick, warm, hefty and inspired by british sportswear. These are a great intersection of prep and streetwear. Noah, onlyNY and Rowing Blazers have all put out their own takes on them * **Versatility:** Ivy is really cool in its versatility. It's the intersection of a lot of different styles, from british sports and workwear, to japanese hiker-core, to Americana and milsurp.





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Reddit Timestamp

10/4/19 8:40


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