Deep Focus

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Data Refreshed On

June 10, 2024

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Keep calm and focus with ambient and post-rock music.


Playlist Length

0 days, 6 hours, 15 minutes

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Discovered On, Playlost, Reddit, Spotify Category

Playlist Last Updated

May 30, 2024



Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Info

Reddit Post

I’ve cycled through a few different Playlists on Spotify, discovered by myself & colleagues who’ve shared them: - [Deep Focus (instrumental, no vocals)]( - [lofi sleep, lofi rain 💤]( - [A similar playlist put together by lofi fruits music]( - [Late night vibes (lofi)]( - [Madison’s infinite massage playlist (calm indie/folk/americana w/ vocals]( A colleague recommended this one to me. - [Tyleen RMT (more upbeat, some instrumental & some vocals. Lots of Khruangbin)]( Also suggested by a colleague. - I have some clients who specifically request music with no bass tones to it. For those sessions I usually just opt for instrumental piano via [Piano Massage]( or [Reading Soundtrack]( Having good music while I work is super important to me (keeps me in a good mood), and I’ve had a lot of success with these playlists. Outside of work I listen to a lot of metal music so I’ve never been interested in top 40 or guitar covers of popular songs, etc. Had to branch out to find things I like. Hope this helps!





Reddit Username


Reddit Timestamp

11/22/22 14:21


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