Your Top Songs 2018
The songs you loved most this year, all wrapped up.
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0 days, 6 hours, 19 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
December 24, 2018
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I'll answer these in reverse order, just for you, boo: 1. I like to see things that I couldn't think of or things that are out of the ordinary (like a peaceful campaign of travel and good friends). 2. Music. Here's my [top 50 spotify playlist]( Plus here's the things I listened to the last few days: Bladerunner soundtrack (old and new), Amnesiac - Radiohead, Rule of Rose Ost, Into the Spiderverse soundtrack, VHS pop playlist, and Sad Indie playlist. All on spotify. 3. My creative process is simple in my eyes. I have a bunch of notepad documents and google docs that I just write ideas in. I look through them often. I watch things often, writing the stuff that makes me go "Ooo, I like that". For DnD specifically, not all ideas translate. I think about what would be fun for me. If I was a player. I start there and that gets more ideas. I see if certain things come together. Always trying to put ideas together. Then I do a reddit post, usually. If I can. If it's a location. I write that up in a few hours and post it and see what people say. Mainly to tell myself that "No, this idea is not *that* weird". Then it sits and waits usually. Most ideas don't get to the Reddit step. They just sit as loose things... Until the players want to do that thing. Or go to that place. Then I write it. Get as detailed as I need, which usually isn't very detailed. You'll see in my new book that things are kept loose and fun. I don't need a paragraph of text at the table, I just need the basics. Things to make connections between. I believe that our brains are not idea generators. So you need something to feed the ideas in, and then your brain will make the connections itself. So to answer in two steps: * write down every idea you have * connect them I think that's how I am creative.
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12/21/18 12:22
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