"Weird Al" Yankovic The Food Album

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[**2019-06-22 Lather Games SOTD: Scrumptious Saturday**](https://imgur.com/a/Udq000K) **Razor:** 2013 KitchenAid Potato Peeler / 1955 Ball-end Tech c/o ShaveHQ **Blade:** See Above / Astra Superior Stainless (shave #4) **Brush:** Silicone Basting Brush / Yaqi 24mm Moka Express Synthetic **Lather:** Almond Extract / [Almond Crème by Stirling](https://trythatsoap.com/collection/83/?product_type=soap) **Post:** Vanilla Extract (it's mostly alcohol) / [Unscented Post-Shave Balm by Stirling](https://trythatsoap.com/collection/899/?product_type=balm) **Fragrance:** Store-Brand Marshmallows / [By the Fireplace by Maison Martin Margiela](https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Maison-Martin-Margiela/By-the-Fireplace-31623.html) **Soundtrack:** ["The Food Album" by Weird Al Yankovic](https://open.spotify.com/user/calebgoedken/playlist/3M2yzKVWtchf1CcjR9mY3Q?si=ELs40RWERhyGZz4ew3CFOA) **Thoughts:** Which of the above items did I use for my shave today, folks? The ones I took the photo of in my kitchen, or the ones that don't sound like like a terrible idea? I'll let you ponder that while you read my SOTD post, which may or may not include some hints. Almond by Stirling (or perhaps pure almond extract) surprised me. Despite the common almond scent note, this product is nothing like Cella. Cella is sugary sweet marzipan and maraschino cherries. This stuff smells like pure almond extract and toasted nuts from the kitchen. I think Cella is the more approachable and youthful of the two scents, but the Stirling / a bottle of pure almond extract is definitely more kitchen gourmand. My perfume choice is interesting, being one of those scents that's right on the edge between a few different things, and depending on your nose it can go either way. For example: is it a moderately expensive perfume that smells like a campfire and roasting chestnuts, or did I get up early to toast marshmallows and get my clothes nice and smoky before going to work? I'm honestly not joking when I say I popped over to my parents house and my mom says I smell like a campfire and my kid sister says I smell like caramel. Me? I smell a bit of smoke, caramel, chestnut, roasted marshmallow, and creamy coffee. Considering that this is what I'm TRYING to smell like with my perfume / toasted marshmallows today, I'd say that either I or the perfumer did a good job. I love it. Since it is Scrumptious Saturday, enjoy yourselves some silly songs about food. Thank you, Weird Al, you're a musical treasure. P.S. I am aware that neither my Stirling Soap nor my Club House Pure Almond Extract were made by Wholly Kaw. I'll pick up that sponsor point tomorrow. Also, >!of course I shaved with proper gear. What do you think this is? Wildcard Wednesday?!<





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6/22/19 7:24


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