hook, line, and sinker

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hannah x fox. “You cant live life worrying about what people will think. You'll wake up one day, look at a calendar, and count the days you could have spent being happy. With her.”


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0 days, 5 hours, 55 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

February 24, 2022


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I love your observations! Agree! Yes I too devoured Hook, Line, and Sinker right after it was released in the last week and I loved it a lot ☺️🥺 Giant comment below of my thoughts while rereading/listening to it and understanding/analyzing even more … I actually tried to read It Happened One Summer first but kept getting interested in Hannah & Fox’s little excursions - and eventually just jumped to buying HLAS without finishing my IHOS library audiobook (couldn’t get ebook). I don’t recommend this order of things lol. I feel like there was a LOT of setup for H/F in IHOS - like an unusual amount. I got the feeling that Tessa Bailey knew exactly how she was going to write HLAS while writing IHOS. She put in all these tantalizing scenes for H/F. Upon revisiting the H/F scenes in IHOS if you’re like me, you can tell that >!Fox fell for Hannah right away, like the story mentions he immediately stops pursuing girls in Seattle when he meets Hannah. Which is so sweet and heart melting and just adds to the long game of his pining and denial and emotional development 🥺 !< My first time through, I unfortunately missed the H/F record shop teaser at the end of IHOS, so this is a PSA to everyone to go read it if you haven’t - it gives the perspective of their first meeting, where they feel slightly hostile and (literally) out of step with each other until they become intrigued by each other’s depths, which we don’t see in HLAS since they’re already friends/crushing on each other. Basically I found Hannah/Fox way way more interesting than Brendan/Piper 🤣 I mean I like B/P too, but they are more slapstick caricatures to me - like Piper is such a Legally Blonde character and Brendan is the gruff buff stoic “modern pirate captain” guy. And yeah their relationship is more focused on the physical 🤣 I don’t think Hannah and Fox have even a third of the sex scenes that B/P do. I was amazed at the intensity/variety of B/P’s scenes haha (which I hear is classic Tessa Bailey). But that’s the point - H/F >!connect emotionally first by necessity, with Hannah “steering the ship” (ha) on it since Fox has so much baggage around sex/relationships 😢 I was a bit surprised by how slow burn they were, but appreciated it overall for Fox’s sake.!< And as characters, Hannah and Fox are down to earth and emotional, so I could relate to them more. Like Hannah, I feel more like a >!“supporting actress” and am weird and shy about advocating for myself at work and pursuing dreams. Emotional connection is important to me and it’s my strong suit. I feel really in touch with my emotions and work hard to control/understand them. I admired Hannah’s ability to, multiple times with pointed narration, lead/wait for Fox to get emotionally mature enough for them to be together. I’ve also felt like I’ve had to guide my partner in emotionally rather than physically connecting, so I felt this. It shows it can be worth it to fight for your relationship and it may not be settling.!< Also thanks for reccing I actually watch some Deadliest Catch to see what king crab fishing is like! Looks terrifying. Did not envision that at all with the books. I had just filed it away as “specific blue collar dangerous job.” I personally connected a lot more to the theme of music (now really into all the songs in the book - someone made a [Spotify playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3UCs0FBSlYbo7cCxOS5BF2?si=nTxfd73JT6m_iEb8shlMgg)) I could go on lol. Anyway basically I enjoyed how layered and well-woven and masterfully written this book was! All my favourites seem to be. If you’re looking for more discussion/raving, there’s this [previous post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/t4imp8/whew_tessa_baileyss_hook_line_and_sinker_was_so/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) (where I wrote another giant comment, but my first impressions) and I’m sure I saw a few more. I’m glad this book is blowing up, it/Tessa Bailey deserves it! Also, please send recs for other HR that are like Hook, Line, and Sinker! I personally don’t read a ton of HR since I find there’s usually a lot more background story and characters that I end up skimming through to get to the couple. I tend to like CR novels that focus mostly on the couple’s little bubble - I guess I find internal anguish keeping them apart more interesting/believable than external factors. I need to revisit Devil in Winter and Dreaming if You - I’ve definitely read blurbs/bits of them. If you want another CR rec that I recently read and loved, try {The Worst Guy} by Kate Canterbary. (I’m such a broken record (ha like in HLAS!) recommending this here but I really enjoyed it - and I’m a rabid DNF-er and normally either DNF/skim or am OBSESSED about a book. It’s also a very internal couple-focused book where the couple has mental hang ups.





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3/6/22 10:28


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