Lesser Known Musicals
Playlist Length
4 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
August 26, 2023
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My aunt asked me the same question last year. [Here's ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3VQFOFC7z2JJCbg8Ha3OQ3?si=W6vJE7M5QHqYmZLNM8bQTA&utm_source=copy-link) the playlist I made for her. Its a mix of musicals from ones I expect lots of us here know but more casual musical fans wouldn't to shoes that are so unknown they don't have enough listens to have a play count on Spotify. I got a bit carried away when I first made the playlist and I periodically go back and add more for my aunt to discover so it's rather long. Off the top of my head the highlights of the playlist are; Bumblescratch: written by one of the Sherman brothers sons. It is about the rats of London during the plague. Razia's Shadow: technically a concept album by forgive Durden. I don't really know how to describe the story. I guess star crossed lovers is a good starting point. Galavant: Alan Menken and Glenn Slater poking fun at musical/Disney/fantasy troupes, they even parody one of Alan's own songs. If you live in a country where you can watch the TV show, that is the best way to consume the music, but if like me you are stuck in the UK you might only be able to legally access the soundtrack. Lord of the Rings The musical: The music is beautiful, that is all Islander: A 2 person musical, which makes use of an audio looper (I don't think that's the technical term) to layer their voices to make all music. It's about life on a small Scottish island, with a healthy helping of folklore.
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1/23/23 16:54
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