As Fast As We Go Far

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March 28, 2023



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I’m sure it’s been done, and likely been better-executed, but I tried my best to make a blink-182 album. In case you’re curious, these are some of the things that went into my process: \- I wasn’t going to come up with an original title on my own that would feel genuine, and I didn’t want to have a title track. So I looked for lyrics in the songs that might work. I also considered “The Promise of Summer” “Believe Me If You Would” “Human Shapes Burned on Concrete Walls” “Let’s Start Over” and a few more. \- I looked at 100s of pictures of the band from that general era, and tried to find a picture from as close to the breakup as possible. I don’t have photoshop, so I just messed around with some free online filters and then added the title. \- I cut out a lot of really, really good songs because I didn’t think they worked well as a “blink album” track. I agonized over letting some hard-hitters from both albums go, but sacrifices had to be made. \- I wanted it to be about 12-16 songs and I settled on 15 – 7 performed by BCR, 7 performed by +44, and 1 performed by blink-182. This also worked out to 8 songs with Mark vocals and 8 with Tom vocals. \- I didn’t want a 1-for-1 alternation of Mark/Tom songs, but it did generally shape up close-ish to that. \- I didn’t want to start the album with the opener for either of the original albums, but I did come out of the interlude with I Feel So. \- I worked on the track order for a long time. I didn’t have any equipment to scientifically measure, but I tried my best to have loud-ending songs lead into loud-starting songs. And quieter lead into quieter. It’s not perfect. \- I wanted Chapter 13 to be track 13. Dumb, but I wanted it. \- I ended with And I because I think that is the most blink-sounding song from either album. Yes, even more than Elevator. But I’m just one guy with an opinion. \- I put this into iTunes as an album (like an old man). I also made it a spotify playlist, linked here []( \- I’m not assuming anyone cares about this project. I just wanted to share IN CASE anyone is interested. And I wanted something to break up the speculation of late. If you have made it this far, thank you for reading, and any feedback is welcome!





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Reddit Timestamp

3/29/23 0:10


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