Música Portuguesa 🇵🇹

Playlist By

Prapti Panda

Data Refreshed On

May 25, 2024

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Playlist Length

0 days, 18 hours, 17 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 25, 2024


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For me, it's because I have an unexplainable connection with the sea. And honestly, as I think someone else also commented, Portuguese is the language of the sea. From Fado's sad references to the waves of the sea and all the boats that sailed but never returned, to Camões and his epic narration of Vasco da Gama's voyage to India, the sea is inextricable from Portugal's landscape. Another one of my personal reasons is that I am so in love with Portugal's history. It's not the typical colonialism-Empire-slavery narrative you'll usually find for countries of Western Europe. Portugal has been seriously underlooked in global history and it's a shame because it has a fascinating past. Portugal has amazing folklore and literature! If you're interested, check out these stories (you'll find them in English easily): O Galo de Barcelos and Pedro e Inês. I personally have not read a lot of Portuguese classics yet, but from what I've read, it's a treasure trove of great narratives that have yet to be translated into English. And honestly, translations do not do justice to the lovely way in which Portuguese allows you to introduce inflections and cultural associations in single words. Finally (and I'm just gushing at this point lol), with Portuguese it's like entering a whole new world with so many possibilities, so much new media to consume. For example, I hated watching TV in English or my native language, but after learning Portuguese, I've been addicted to watching documentaries and series on RTP or telenovelas made by SIC. There's only so much that we can experience in one lifetime, and I can honestly say that learning Portuguese has exposed me to so many different things that I would not have even dreamed of. It's built a facet of my personality that I wished I could have discovered earlier. P. S. If you're looking to expand your musical horizons, I have [a playlist with my favorites from Portugal](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3p3rl2pS9M3htP6ufa5yLO?si=UqHUAjKpRAyxYmlqlmgHHg). Hope this helps!





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Reddit Timestamp

2/14/21 11:24


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