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October 16, 2022

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Playlist Length

1 days, 10 hours, 19 minutes

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Dont play Paper Chase with more than 2 people, I'd argue. It's for sure designed for 1 in mind, but allows for 2. As for music, any works by Akira Yamaoka for the Silent Hill (games) Soundtracks. The first game is full of weird ass noises and music, sounds really rusty. They get a bit more ambient and "normal" in later games, listen and curate to your hearts content. Some tracks have vocals on them, but most don't. The Daniel Licht (RIP) stuff for Silent Hill is also good (Book of Memories, Downpour.) The soundtrack to the movie 'It Follows' is also great. There are bits of silence in many tracks tho, since it was made with a scene from the movie in mind. The soundtrack to the ORIGINAL Binding of Isaac (Danny Baranowsky (Danny B.)) has some great ambient stuff, and the boss music might be good for a more combat encounter (though, Paper Chase probably wouldn't utilize this) Last of all, and maybe the best, the OST to the indie point-n-click Lovecraftien game 'The Last Door'. Both seasons. This is a BRILLIANT OST, and can be very moody. Its also creepy, but not too creepy. Extremely listenable. Most of these are on Spotify, though many Silent Hill music is not. I'd recommend downloading them, maybe, and using local files on Spotify. If you are on an iPad, though, maybe download these OSTs and put them in a local playlist. Or, of course, a YouTube playlist can be done. [Here is a link to my Spotify playlist]( I don't use this for in-game stuff, this is just for me. You can bulk highlight (click on one, then shift+click the last track) and add these to you're own playlist easily, then curate the ones you're not interested in. (a lot of the Binding of Isaac ones are a couple of seconds, as they are stingers for picking up items, or defeating a boss, or something). This is by no means a complete list of everything I know/like, but it's a good starting spot.





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Reddit Timestamp

8/11/19 21:33


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