Shoppers Drug Mart

Playlist By

Mark Gonzalez

Data Refreshed On

February 12, 2024

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The ultimate collection of soft rock and favourite songs of yesterday. Clocking in at over 15 hours, this playlist provides suitable background for various retail and work environments.


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0 days, 17 hours, 11 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

September 20, 2022


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[**2019-06-29 Lather Games SOTD: Drug Store Day**]() **Razor:** Generic Mach III Razor **Blade:** Generic Mach III Cartridge **Brush:** Vie Long 21mm Horse Hair (VL-14080) **Lather:** [Sensitive Skin Shaving Cream by Nivea]( **Post:** [Nivea Sensitive Skin After Shave Balm]( **Fragrance:** [Brut by Faberge]( **Soundtrack:** [Hell is the same damn music they've been playing on the intercom at Shopper's Drug Mart for the past 20 years]( **Thoughts:** I worked as a cashier & merchandiser at Shopper's Drug Mart (SDM) for several years in university. Today is a tribute to that nightmare. I shaved with this cream back when it was still called Florena in Canada before Beiersdorf rebranded it as Nivea. The scent is light and pleasant - sort of like vintage canned shave goop mixed with chamomile. I think it's one of the most beginner-friendly products on the market to lather up. Shave performance is really good with a shave brush (and mediocre lathered and rubbed on with bare hands) but it has some of the worst post-shave of any product I've used. My face always stings after using this stuff, even with aftershave. (This is some of the bad stuff I was referencing yesterday in our conversation, /u/relided .) Today I applied it with my Vie Long brush, which was as close as I could come to the rough-looking cheapo boar brushes my local SDM sells. I wasn't willing to buy one of them just for today's shave because lord knows I've never touch it again. The shave itself was performed with a no-name Mach III handle and a no-name Mach III blade that gets sold under several private-label store brand names in Canada. I threw away the box ages ago and can't remember whether they came from SDM or the Co-op. It provides me an extremely close and irritation-free shave, but tends to leave whiskers so short that I end up with ingrown hairs and bumps later in the day, so I tried to shave with a light hand to avoid that. It also clogs up very quickly so it's useless for removing any heavy growth. A quick application of Nivea balm helped to soothe some of the sting from the shave cream and left me ready for fragrance, and boy oh boy what a fragrance it is: Brut! The king of cheap fougères! It's so blue-collar that you can buy it at the grocery store where I live... you don't even need to find a cosmetics counter at the drug store. Anyway, it's dang good stuff for Nine Canadian Dollars, ladies and gents. It smells pretty harsh when you open the bottle (thank you, basil and anise) and the splash-on applicator is a drag, but decanting it into a cheap spray bottle makes atomization a breeze and a single spray lasts me all damn day. I would describe the scent as almost pure shaving foam, which is one of my favorite families of perfume. To elaborate on the Brut experience, I'll let [Dollar Store Alec Baldwin take the mic for a few minutes.]( Count how many times he sprays himself, and then remember that I said a single spray of the stuff usually gets me through the day. To round out the drug store shave experience, I found a SDM intercom tribute playlist on Spotify and it's a 100% accurate recreation of the nightmare of working in that store. Press Play on that playlist at 8:00 am every day, press Pause at midnight, and then start over in the morning every subsequent day for the rest of your life. That's working at SDM. They seriously still play the same music that they did when I worked there in university. I hate almost every song on that list and now I want to share that pain with you. Enjoy!





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6/29/19 7:31


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