Favorite soundtracks

Playlist By

David Espinosa

Data Refreshed On

February 1, 2024

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Playlist Length

5 days, 22 hours, 41 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

December 14, 2022


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My favorite movies of the year for each genre were: * *Drama:* **Roma (Also my #1 movie of the year).** As I've mentioned before, I feel this movie is really powerful and sticks with you. The three times I've watched it completely struck me. The acting is amazing and it gives more meaning to some scenes, such as >!the scene when Cleo loses her baby!< or the>! beach scene when she rescues the kids. !<All of this is accompanied by Alfonso Cuaron's awesome directing, some of the best cinematography (black and white really work), and an astonishing sound edition. I really love this movie. * *Horror:* **Hereditary.** I loved this movie so much because it feels like a new take on horror (I'm glad we're getting more of this and fewer jumpscares), and it's amazing. The acting is impeccable, and it keeps you at the edge of your seat all the time. I like how things build up "quietly" before all the forked up shirt starts going on. The use of small models is both beautiful and creepy. * *Thriller:* **Searching.** This film was an amazing discovery for me and I hope everyone watches it. The way is made (like you were watching a computer screen all the time) is really simple, but it connects with you and makes you feel part of the story. I know this is also a drama, but some of the twists (>!like the movie making you believe Margot and her uncle had maybe something going on!<) were really amazing and kinda horrifying, as they could happen in real life. The film is also full of little details that a bigger studio wouldn't care about. Go and check this out! * *Comedy:* **Game Night.** It has been a real while since I've laughed so much in a film like this one. I love how it is a parody of action flicks and it is really really hilarious. The cast's great and Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams have great chemistry and comedic timing. There were some remarkable scenes (bullet scene, the fake Denzel, sliding bills) that made me really laugh, and I loved all the references to games. **Also, great comedy movies I loved:** ***The Favourite*** **and** ***Paddington 2.*** * *Action:* **Mission: Impossible - Fallout.** I have a soft spot for spies movies, but this film was on another level. The action scenes were impeccable and it felt like a classic spies movie, from the chasing in the motorcycle in Paris, the bathroom fight scene, and the chase in London, they were all great. Tom Cruise was amazing as always, and Henry Cavill was really good and believable as a villain. Also, this movie made me develop a major crush on Vanessa Kirby. * *Sci-Fi:* **Annihilation.** I loved this movie on so many aspects, especially the deeper meaning it has, it really left me thinking all night as I couldn't sleep (also, because of that forked up screaming bear); I love the themes of self-destruction and change, as well as the cancer topic. The acting was great, but Natalie Portman stood out for me. I also loved the visuals and the score is #1 on my [soundtrack playlist](https://open.spotify.com/user/12178310836/playlist/5ATgayv4gE9e4QyrGMAhc4?si=khY57r7jRYKbX05UQSkKFQ) on Spotify. I still think of that bear and the ending at night. * *Animation:* **Isle Of Dogs.** Wes Anderson is one of my favorite directors and this movie was just charming and really good. The movie has a simple plot but that doesn't bother me, because the way I see it, it's just a tribute to dogs, to Japan, to love. Voice acting was good, but I'm bummed we didn't get more Tilda Swinton. But the most amazing thing about this movie was the animation: every setting was perfectly done, the expression of each character was so well done for stop motion, and you can see all the hard work that went into making this; the [sushi scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBa2_Q-ciI0) is just perfect. *PD: I haven't watched Into the Spider-verse.*





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12/31/18 10:36


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