songs to haunt to

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February 11, 2024

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Songs to listen to while playing Vagrantsong.


Playlist Length

0 days, 2 hours, 55 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

June 11, 2021


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Somewhat Popular



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**Vagrantsong** \-another play and another step toward completing the campaign. Our most recent play had a >!touching reconnection between two early ghosts we'd encountered!<. Each scenario has a lot of story moments that have fun little insights into each ghost and the sad circumstances you're trying to bring them back from. We still get tripped up occasionally by each scenario having a few unique rules that give each ghost a unique encounter to playthrough, but the puzzle to save the ghost and the story that is revealed for each ghost always keep us wanting to see what might be next. We're ready to start the final two scenarios to close the book on **Vagrantsong** and are looking forward to the surprises they might reveal as the story wraps up! It's also nice that Wyrd Games have mentioned they have an expansion in the works! The scenarios have each had a *super* simple setup with a handful of tokens to put on the board, and it will be neat to see what new puzzle and story experiences they might come up next! As a lost shout-out about the fun we're having with **Vagrantsong**, the [designer's Spotify playlist]( has introduced us a fun genre of Yee-Haw Goth music that's perfect for the game and our own personal taste! The genre name is just a funny sounding name we came across while researching some of our favorite bands from the playlist of dark-themed folk music. **Unmatched -** Dracula vs Bloody Mary - Dracula didn't stand much of a chance after I wasted his two big attack cards that you have to use to catch the opponent by surprise. Apparently, my partner knows me too well and could see my surprise attacks coming from a mile away :) **Final Girl** \- Hans in Creech Manor and Hans in Maple Lane - I always get a kick out of mixing and matching villains with the maps available for the game. Setting up their Jason Vorhees-esque villain Hans on the Maple Lane neighborhood map and the Creech Manor mansion map created some fun movie moments in my attempt to experience little pieces of the *Halloween* movie franchise :) We played a few games while at a coffee shop and at the park this weekend when the spring weather was nice: **Botanik** \- Still one of our most recent favorite 2-player tile-laying puzzle games. The balance of reserving tiles for future use, and also having to discard tiles in order to release a tile from your reserve is really neat It's all based around matching the colors and patters on the tiles on the reserve board, then once you're placing them in your area you just want to connect up pipes with matching colors. Just a few simple systems that come together into a fun an unique puzzley game system. **Button Men** \- Whenever we plan to play a game or two outdoors, **Button Men** is always with us since it's just a deck of character cards and a little box of assorted dice. It's just a game of rolling a set of dice and taking turns using your high rolls to take a lower die of your opponent's or to combine some of your dice to take an equal value di of your opponents. Not much too it, but it's a fun and quick puzzle to try and take the most dice. **Royal Visit** \- Continues to be a recent favorite of our collection of Knizia 2-player games. It's a nice and simple tug-of-war game where you play sets of cards to move tokens back and forth on the cloth track that's laid down between you and your opponent. **Ohanami** \- a drafting game that works nicely for two players. You swap hands of cards and select two cards at a time to add to your 3 columns of sequentially ordered cards. The fun trick of the game is that is round one, you score blue cards, then blue and green, then blue green grey and pink. So there's just a little strategy to deciding which colors of cards to prioritize in each round.





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Reddit Timestamp

4/18/22 9:31


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