Fair Winds & Following Seas feat. ATLYS

Playlist By

Samuel Ferrara

Data Refreshed On

February 7, 2024

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ZREO: Second Quest's biggest cover album yet; Fair Winds & Following Seas feat. ATLYS. This album features ATLYS, an all-female crossover string quartet, and showcases over 50 minutes of music across 12 tracks from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. New tracks added as they go live follow @zreosq


Playlist Length

0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

June 20, 2023


Mixed Mood

Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Main Genre:

Hip Hop

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Reddit Post

Greetings, r/Zelda! We're incredibly excited to share with you our latest album, "Fair Winds & Following Seas feat. ATLYS," a musical tribute to the serene and enchanting world of The Wind Waker. Over the past three years, we've poured our hearts and souls into this project, and we're finally ready to unveil the result. "Fair Winds & Following Seas" is a collection of 12 tracks that take you on a journey through the flooded world of Hyrule. Our goal was to create arrangements that remain faithful to the original material while also offering something new, virtuosic, and refreshing to fans. To achieve this, we've explored a myriad of genres, from Celtic folk and flamenco to classical and baroque, and even comedy and symphonic metal. The making of this album was quite an adventure in itself. With the Covid-19 pandemic making it impossible to record everyone in the same room, we adapted and utilized the latest recording and mixing technology to bring 29 talented musicians together on the same digital stage. This fully remote orchestra featured soloists and the headlining quartet, ATLYS. We'd like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our fans and fellow Zelda enthusiasts for their unwavering support and encouragement. Without you, none of this would be possible. *** The album is now available for pre-order in two amazing physical formats, as well as a digital release on Bandcamp with included bonuses: ### [Digital Release via Bandcamp](https://zreosq.bandcamp.com) - $15.00 * Performance video of "Princess Zelda's Theme" * Ultra-high resolution album art * Early/unused concept album art * 16-page booklet PDF ### [Standard CD Digipack](https://shop.zreosq.com/fwfs1cd) - $25.00 * 16-page full-color booklet * Wrap-around artwork * Complementary Bandcamp digital download code * Limited first-time run of 500 copies * Pre-order window: April 7 to May 8, 2023 ### [Deluxe 2-CD Hardcover Book](https://shop.zreosq.com/fwfs2cd) - $50.00 * 40-page booklet with extended liner notes * Hard cover case with hot foil silver logo and raised/embossed instruments * Exclusive 2nd CD: "ATLYS Sails Alone" * Complementary Bandcamp digital download code * Limited first-time run of 200 copies * Pre-order window: April 7 to May 8, 2023 ### Pre-order and Production * Manufacturing begins in May * Estimated shipping: Late Summer 2023 (schedule is tentative and subject to change) ### Vinyl We have confirmed that a limited 2xLP Vinyl will be produced later this year via [Mango Mage Records](https://www.mangomagerecords.com). Price and preorder date is still TBD. If you'd like to wait for the vinyl, we totally understand! Just note that the 16/40page booklets and the 2nd CD content is exclusive to the CDs and will be available much sooner than the vinyl. ### Streaming We're rolling out the album over the next few months to all streaming platforms. For now, we've released three singles from the album on [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5MRp4KUg0lHtRd20FhUn2I?si=14d2410337ac4ae3) for you to listen.





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Reddit Timestamp

4/10/23 11:31


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