We're More Ghosts than People

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Data Refreshed On

February 11, 2024

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In memory of Arthur Morgan. "There are laws that all people know, [...] and one of these is love of kindred. You have been taught to break all of them except this one[...] a bent human can do more evil than a broken one." C. S. Lewis


Playlist Length

0 days, 19 hours, 46 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

August 11, 2021


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Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

Howdy. Putting this story in the comments. I spoke to a friend recently who encouraged me to share this story and content on this sub. I hope it's not too irrelevant or "self-promoting"-y. Just trying to give a shoutout to the power that great storytelling has and how this game's story and characters changed my life for the better. This is a long post so: TL;DR- I bought Red Dead, it helped me heal from heartbreak, inspired me to become a man, led me to lose 35 lbs, inspired some art, [a Spotify playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5fgCJfaQyLtI5nWU10iVf5?si=T7DHmMkpTcGgK73U92OGOg), and completely overhauled my livelihood. Read below for details. ​ A year ago, I started my first full-time job, moved cities, and my girl told me Adios. Despite the hand dealt, my newfound wealth of time and money inspired one of the most (unexpectedly) influential purchases of my life: Red Dead Redemption. Prior, I've zealously identified as the heavy metal, ripped-black-skinny jeans, filmmaker/photographer boy who would not be told what to do, who to be, or what to like,(ESPECIALLY country music. Or country anything. It was grating.) Fast forward to a few months into my new, single, employed life- October 2019. I purchase Red Dead to try and alter my overwhelmed, heartbroken headspace. After I broke the White Arabian, I put a cowboy hat on my Christmas wish list (thanks mom). By LeMoyne, my friends started calling me "Cowboy \[Rab4Point0\]," I fell in love with cigar smoking, the outdoors, and woodworking. By the time I complete the game, I'd hit the gym enough to have lost 35 lbs put on a 4-pack (still working on the next 2!), emotionally moved on, hit my stride at work, and made a playlist of music reminding me of Red Dead. Echoing in my head was the phrase "a cowboy, and a MAN gets stuff done." Here's where this picture comes in. As a full-time photographer, I knew I had to take a playlist cover photo for my Red Dead playlist. The photo idea was clear. I put on my new hat, bandana, cowboy boots, grabbed my camera and tripod... and my roommate's pack of cowboy killers. (recovered cig/e-cig smoker here, I'm proud to say I did not inhale a single microliter of the cigarettes from the shoot.) [Here is the playlist,](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5fgCJfaQyLtI5nWU10iVf5?si=PXAse4uzSNmN3bvXGJCURQ) entitled "We're More Ghosts than People," a phrase Arthur says to Sadie in RDR2. I've got some weird songs on there, forewarning. Also, notice the moment I discover the TV show Yellowstone Lol. Since this photoshoot, I've taken two solo backpacking trips to Palo Duro Canyon and Big Bend national park. I filmed a short film there (that I'm still working on \["I HAVE A PLAN."\]) entitled "Ghosts" that echoes this story. Hope you guys enjoy some cowboy-ing soon. Yeehaw.





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Reddit Timestamp

10/6/20 0:55


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