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Data Refreshed On

February 11, 2024

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A mix of artists she likes, songs she has covered, and artists who remind me of her/I also really like :)


Playlist Length

0 days, 14 hours, 56 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

October 4, 2023


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Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

So happy this was asked again, because I actually did create a playlist on Spotify!! `<iframe src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/5lYWukGRNGjRamfaG8Jl7K" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>` It's kind of a mix of things – artists that sound some what similar, artists she has talked about, songs she's covered, and then some songs/artists who I – being a massive Florence fan – also really like. If you only listen to one thing on this playlist, please make it Me & the Devil (first track) Top recommendation in terms of similarity would be Daughter, Bat for Lashes, Sharon Vann Etten, Nina Simone, Amy Winehouse, Lucy Rose, Maggie Rogers, Warpaint, Lana, Fiona Apple, Phoebe Bridgers, Regina Spektor, Dido, Celeste I also made sure to put some Patti Smith, Nick Cave, Kate Bush, Otis Redding, and Fleetwood Mac, as they are some important influences in Flo's sound (all five are also staples in my music library). Threw on some Rolling Stones and Etta James as well. Olafur Arnalds and Max Richter are two pretty well known instrumental artists/composers – their music me feel in the same way Flo's does. Led Zeppelin, The Alabama Shakes, The Black Keys, Alt-J, The National, The White Stripes, Hozier, Bon Iver (more his older stuff), Santigold, Roisin Murphy, Angus & Julia Stone, and His His are some other favourite artists of mine. Also some additional one tracks that I really love/give me a similar vibe to Flo :)





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Reddit Timestamp

8/20/21 18:06


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