Country Funk Vol. 3: 1975-1982

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0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes

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September 15, 2023


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**[Aug. 20, 2021 - Bad Omens](** * **Brush:** Semogue Owner's Club Taj Handle Boar * **Razor:** GEM Micromatic Open Comb * **Blade:** GEM (20) * **Lather:** [House of Mammoth - Mood Indigo - Soap]( * **Post Shave:** [Stirling Soap Co. - Tea Tree - Balm]( * **Fragrance:** Rogue Perfumery - Derviche 2 - **Challenges:** MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode, `GEMsOfWisdom`, 🦣❤️Mammoth Month❤️🦣 u/mammothben - **Music:** [Country Funk Vol. 3: 1975–1982]( - **Coffee:** Ethiopia Limu Today is not off to [an auspicious start]( After a string of great shaves, today’s began with a crummy lather and finished with a similarly crummy shave, as a bad lather always does. My [ongoing hard water troubles]( have only gotten worse, despite loading more salt in the softener two days ago and running a regen cycle last night. The internet tells me that [“salt mushing” might be the culprit](, but looking in the tank, I can’t tell. I’ll call the experts today and load extra soap until they can visit Mosquito HQ. Later in the morning I headed out for a dog walk to discover [a mouse smushed]( between the panes of my garage door, gore hanging about four feet off the ground and running down the front. (I’m hoping it was indeed gore, and not a sadder alternative, but I couldn’t tell and didn’t want to look closely.) I removed the poor creature with a pitchfork, double-bagged it, and washed off the garage door. [Gross and sad]( In happier news, I felt like wearing a warmer fragrance today, and reached for this Rogue Perfumery sample of *Derviche 2*. This composition is not to be confused with [the similarly named *Derviche*](—which has a strong tobacco element in the opening—instead focusing on warm spiced fruits. I’m enjoying the early phases of this new take—it’s warm and sweet and pleasant. Yet I’d prefer this on my wife to wearing it myself. With fragrances like this, I like an injection of something [dank, sharp, biting, animal or funky](, or even a potent sandalwood.





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Reddit Timestamp

8/20/21 12:04


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