Terrace House: Opening New Doors

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Data Refreshed On

September 28, 2023

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Music used in the international version of the series.


Playlist Length

0 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes

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Discovered On, Reddit

Playlist Last Updated

October 18, 2019


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We've made quite a progress today! :D **We have 6 NEW SONG ADDITIONS to the playlist!** You may access the playlist here: [https://open.spotify.com/user/filmsovercoffee/playlist/5ryDCy6DJUmPUtMXzgz8bw?si=AZFhikCRQ7KBsPGacsS3Tg](https://open.spotify.com/user/filmsovercoffee/playlist/5ryDCy6DJUmPUtMXzgz8bw?si=AZFhikCRQ7KBsPGacsS3Tg) Still no luck with the well acclaimed "Opening Song" in the International Version of the show BUT I FINALLY FOUND THE ENDING SONG - the one that gives you Chris Brown vibes. Title is **"Frozen" by Jerome Spence.** ADDED SONGS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Make It Up by Lights Follow, Matthew Heath and Grady Griggs \*this music is used in the OND trailer 2. Burn Burn Burn by Lights Follow, Matthew Heath and Grady Griggs \*this music is used in Another Terrace videos (the whistling intro) 3. Frozen by Jerome Spence \*ending/credits music used in all OND episodes 4. Drivin' by Jeff Lewis \*music used in the last scene wherein Shohei approached Tsubasa to ask for advice on the date he has planned for Ami. I think this is Episode 14 (The Birthday that Decided Their Fate). 5. Paper Hearts by Meldez, Johnie B. Philiips \*I can't remember which particular episode was this used but I remember it being used on one of the early episodes with Ami. 6. Livin It Up by Joseph Powell, Jerome Spence & Donald Sales \*used in Episode 18 (Sinful Cleavage) wherein Mayu basically took off her clothes and took a bath. LEADS: I stumbled upon these when I found out that most of the songs are actually music releases by 5 Alarm Music - an independent production music library for film, television, radio, and commercials, etc. Hence, the difficulty of searching the songs. But I hope this info could help in the future search for the OND music tracks that got stuck in our heads! ​





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Reddit Timestamp

10/15/18 21:33


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