"Bwítí Musíc" / Gabon - central Africa

Playlist By

Vladimír Dědek

Data Refreshed On

February 7, 2024

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Lucien Ngonga "Hépépé" - Bwítí Mougongo / Bwítí Musíc Vol. 1 & 2 / Songs and Dances / Atege Songs 1946 - 2004 / Myènè Songs / Traditional Songs & Dances / Music from an Equatorial Microcosm : Fang Bwiti Music from Gabon Republic, Africa, with Mbiri Selections / Pygmées Bybayak - Pigmies Epic Cantors


Playlist Length

0 days, 8 hours, 13 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

December 26, 2021


Mixed Mood

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Reddit Post

Hi nella452, I’ve also been taking the microdosing approach with iboga for chronic pain. I like to listen to Bwiti music while microdosing with a little cannabis. What kinds of thoughts have you noticed coming up when you use iboga? I noticed insights around my addictions and journaled. All the best to you, AffectionatePie229 Bwiti Music Playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/69fW7SJ2n3e2SzG0Cmvd9n?si=_IgErVO9RwG6bhKgBvbAzA Ibogaine Healing www.tabularasaretreat.com/ibogaine-healing-3-amazing-benefits-might-not-know/ Micro-Flood Dosing Iboga with Cannabis https://youtu.be/MESiQOEdGks IBOGAINE SAFETY GUIDELINES Clinical Guidelines for Ibogaine-Assisted Detoxification https://www.Ibogaineguidelines.com/ Experience, Benefits, & Side Effects https://www.thethirdwave.co/psychedelics/ibogaine/ Bwiti “Bwiti is a spiritual discipline of the forest-dwelling Punu people and Mitsogo peoples of Gabon (where it is recognized as one of three official religions) and by the Fang people of Gabon and Cameroon. Modern Bwiti incorporates animism, ancestor worship, and in some cases, Christianity, into a syncretistic belief system. Bwiti practitioners use the psychedelic, dissociative root bark of the Tabernanthe iboga plant, specially cultivated for the religion, to promote radical spiritual growth, to stabilize community and family structure, to meet religious requirements, and to resolve pathological problems. The root bark has been consumed for hundreds of years in a Bwiti rite of passage ceremony, as well as in initiation rites and acts of healing. The experience yields complex visions and insights anticipated to be valuable to the initiate and the chapel.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bwiti





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Reddit Timestamp

2/28/23 20:25


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