ateez break the wall tour setlist ♡

Playlist By

raven 🍓

Data Refreshed On

July 25, 2023

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tysm for your support for this playlist! ♡ i was there for atlanta day one, my ig is also hyunnieberrys. feel free to follow me !


Playlist Length

0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes

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100% would recommend Ateez as first Kpop experience! Not sure how other groups afterwards will be able to keep up though haha! 😋 So I saw Ateez in May in Europe for their previous World Tour, it was also my first Kpop concert and holy shit. For the first day I went alone too and had general admission tickets for the standing area. I was far in the back but the energy of the boys and the crowd was insane. I had so much fun and the setlist and the perfomances were amazing. If you want to check out their setlist before seeing them live, there are plenty of [playlists ]( I went to about 10 Kpop concerts afterwards and nearly none were able to compete with Ateez (but also considering their discography is MADE for the stage imo). What I love about them is how they give 110% for each stage. They also interact a lot with the fans, try talking a lot in English as well, and they're really charming and handsome irl. They have a great mix of powerful stages as well as ones full with emotions. Plus you'll see them perform >!FROM, which is a pre debut song, which I'd love to see live!<. Fingers crossed they'll come to Europe soon, too 🤗 so even if you sit further in the back, I heard people loved the show nonetheless. I met some amazing Atinys at the show and some had nosebleed seats and they'd do it all over again and again. So enjoy, have fun and let me know if you liked it 🔥





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Reddit Timestamp

11/18/22 11:37


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