Lindy Hop / Voices of swing

Playlist By

Mikus Alex

Data Refreshed On

February 8, 2024

Open in Spotify


Hand picked and sorted playlist for social dance evening. Follow to reach up to 5h of great Lindy Hop music for this particular set!


Playlist Length

0 days, 2 hours, 6 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

October 22, 2019


Mixed Mood

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Reddit Info

Reddit Post

Hey! I do Dj from Spotify. Till now, have organised 3 socials this way, so I hope I can give you some insights. I still haven't used to using BPM for music organising, instead I order them as Fast (for kicks), Mid (triples), Slow (drag/blues). Then I would add them to a hour playlist. My template - songs for when the event starts, when it's the "hot" hours and for the end hour of the event. Here's my playlist for the first hour for example: I encourage you to download Spotify apps, instead of playing from web browser. Benefit to this is, you can create Folders for playlists, and also the ability to "download" songs for offline use. I strongly recommend this, as downloading songs would work as a backup in case of absence of network connection. My setup till this has been mixer (from the club I played at), laptop with Spotify app for backup and pre-listening my playlists, and a smartphone with Algoriddim Dj app, which is actually the main output. Spotify plays the same on all devices, so this was the way to avoid this synchronization. Everything has went as planned, but for bigger events, I am thinking for more secure way - downloading songs, using a Dj app and a controller. I would feel more safe in case of network absence, Spotify app errors or any account glitches, that might happen. At the same time, I would still be looking for Dj apps, that uses Spotify (Algoriddim apps) or any other streaming services for that matter, for the ability of taking song requests and adding songs on the fly. If any questions. Feel free to ask :)





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Reddit Timestamp

4/17/19 4:52


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