Ferric Bliss

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[I've compiled a list here originally](https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/f1v5rz/monday_daily_music_discussion_february_10_2020/fh9wkxv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) I'm a massive BoC fan and I'm still on the hunt for artists who sound like Boards of Canada. The problem is most of their 90s IDM peers are associated with them because they are the same genre and on the same labels but artists like Aphex Twin don't sound like them at all, with a few exceptions (a handful of early Autechre and u-Ziq tracks, releases by Disjecta and Seefeel). There's also Christ who used to be part of their Hexagon Collective and Bola, who mastered their classic MHTRTC. Lot of stuff mentioned earlier is excellent but more just in the same umbrella of downtempo electronic. Their first album def has the most trip-hop vibes which is why many often lump it with stuff off Ninja Tune from that era. There wasn't other IDM that sounded anything like them when they got big. Early IDM classics by B12, Black Dog, Plaid. Bola, Seefeel and Freesha have heavy BoC vibes. Late 90s / early 00s musician Casino Versus Japan is one of the most akin to the group from the IDM scene. 00s saw far more who were directly influenced or at least channeled the same ethos as BoC: Black Moth Super Rain and related project Tobacco, which is kind of like their American cousin and taps into PBS specials, fast food, and US kitsch instead. Fellow SKAM (BoC's first label) artists who sound a lot like BoC: VHS Head (more cut-up and techno oriented but still very sample heavy) and Neil Scrivin aka Phono Ghosts. There was also Ghostbox Records - they all generally espouse similar aesthetics and the take on "Hauntology" that BoC does, esp. Belbury Poly. Bibio and Sun Bears are two groups heavily indebted to BoC's sound, specifically their sunnier stuff. [Smash TV - Memorex](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAm1EU_pu80) Davesaved Looks Realistic - REALLY similar to BoC High Tides (they've collaborated with BMSR / Tobacco) Semya Ssaliva (early) Matthewdavid (early) Oneohtrix Point Never - memory vague, Replica, especially his YT channel Sunset Corp and Chuck Pearson eccojams release and early vaporwave Chuck Pearson - eccojams and other early vaporwave Daniel Avery's stuff has some heavy mid-00s IDM vibes Percival Pembroke - very similar synth sounds 1991 - much more drone/ambient but one of the closest to eliciting the same emotions I get from hearing BoC Other vintage-oriented synth stuff much of which came out on cassette in the 00s and 10s: Dolphins Into The Future, Emeralds, Steven Hauschildt, Motion Sickness of Time Travel [This mix](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7aOJ7PTTphuQzZ4MtP61ga?si=lOFu-eukTzGbalFP88EvZQ) and [this one](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5j621Uuq6XyByDxKfPonfM?si=LAHKX8t5RCCSKRw4AsXtNQ) - still tweaking these but BoC is my main reference point Odd Nosdam (he was in cLouddead and has collaborated with and remixed BoC and vice-versa) Alpha Mound Lone (especially his early stuff, much of it, for ex. ["Summer of Summer"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtSCfS1zXBI) is very akin to BoC) Memory Cassette and other chillwave like Washed Out, Neon Indian, Toro Y Moi, etc. BoC's *Campfire Headphase* influenced a lot of electronic from 2005 onward including beat scene stuff like early Flying Lotus Shlohmo Cyclist / Metro Riders - more house beat oriented FYI Tycho's first album Khotin - New Tab (and a lot of lo-fi house in general) Broadcast Dalhous Helpful playlists https://open.spotify.com/user/enkibr/playlist/0tfNtIOr72Kn3dYGiFiz4J?si=LLaM53bRTa6fA3XNKYQ97A https://open.spotify.com/user/jagelove/playlist/5I2pk91WCYBzaMbSiFr4Cd?si=pM20gMwiTimod11Po-wjLQ https://open.spotify.com/user/1255714607/playlist/5FSuGJv047sk4GDMbKEkuy?si=wwzZl2wATUuzI3fiUdoX1A https://open.spotify.com/user/1255714607/playlist/5j621Uuq6XyByDxKfPonfM?si=1272HIEmTgWYC7iv58Pr-w https://open.spotify.com/user/1255714607/playlist/7aOJ7PTTphuQzZ4MtP61ga?si=nOxhz1R-TdiQy2aqrmWsGQ Also BoC's mix last year "Societas X Mixtape" was a treasure trove of obscure and overlooked music they were clearly influenced by and fans of. Highly recommend it. r/soundslikeboc is helpful too as is their main subreddit, the long-running IDM fan site WATMM (there's a BoC subforum) and BoC fan forum twoism.org





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12/27/21 21:20


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