Eberron - The Mournland

Playlist By

Sam Prell

Data Refreshed On

February 13, 2024

Open in Spotify



Playlist Length

0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

September 27, 2022


Mixed Mood

Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

* Night never comes, yet they can never be sure the sun is out. * That particular piece of terrain looks very familiar. They're sure they've been going in a straight line, but could they have gotten turned around somehow? * The mist gets so thick that they can't see anything. If they decide to hold hands they manage to stay together until they get to a place where the mist is thin enough to see. The last one out suddenly comes to a stop. The other hand they're holding refuses to be pulled out of the thicker mists, but does not reciprocate their grip. * The person at the front of the marching order sees someone up ahead. They're hard to make out in the mists, but it looks like a fellow humanoid. Whatever the interaction, describe the person at the back of the marching order being on the opposite end of that interaction. Whoever turns around first finds that they are no longer in their place in the marching order as the people they were following/being followed by have vanished. * Why is the rock breathing? * They realize that they have their weapons out despite not remembering drawing them. There also seems to be some fresh blood on those weapons and on some of their clothes. For bonus points, have the one least-fitting for physical combat still have their weapons/spell focuses away, but have fresh blood covering their hands up to the elbows and around/in their mouth. * They come across a corpse the looks a lot like one of them. Sure, closer inspection reveals a few facial differences, but it's dressed just like them and even has their (insert unique/rare trinket/piece of equipment here). When any attempt is made to compare it to the one they remember having, they realize that theirs is missing. * Another [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7y2lwkXVe0qBd5TR29oAZV?si=X77zGaU5StOWZOnSM95o-A) given by a person who came up with some [Eberron Mood Kits](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eberron/comments/j98x7f/for_my_eberron_campaign_i_made_mood_kits_to_help/). I suppose Final Hours from Majora's Mask's OST might provide another nice addition to the playlist.





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Reddit Timestamp

9/11/21 6:10


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