Trading in the Mediterranean
Playlist Length
0 days, 2 hours, 11 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
September 12, 2022
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Hmmmm, I like this thread ! I often try to convert my friends to play some complex games, such as Sierra Madre games, Splotter games. The thing is that they discover games with entry level games, such as [The Quest For El Dorado](, [Flamme Rouge](, or [Condottiere]( ​ So, what are the great games in between ? I would say an easy to teach game, that have great theme or components, short, but also deep. Easy to teach because it is obvious why. The great theme or components is important : people do not have much experience in games and they mush feel something while playing in it. Without it they won't be invested in the game. Abstract games will come later. The games also need to be short so you can have a game in a casual afternoon or game night. Finally the game has to be deep so players will feel the need to play another time. ​ * [Concordia]( : easy rules, different strategies, theme you can easily make an atmosphere of ([with playlists](, and/or Mediterranean food héhé). Concordia is great if people like Eurogames * [El Grande]( : gosh that game is so good. You've got alliances, easy rules, combat, great and playful components. * [Mysterium]( : you've got everything in it : strong theme, great atmosphere, original gameplay. Plus as an experienced player you can play as the ghost. The only bad thing about that game is that while it is an easy game, it is hard to properly explain the rules. * [Evolution : Climate]( Beautiful artworks, great components, light but deep, and short. A great midlevel game * I'd add also [Cosmic Encounter](, which is great for having fun without taking ourselves too seriously * I've never played [Inis](, but I've heard great reviews that makes it fall in that category and I think I'll buy it by the end of the year
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8/26/19 11:47
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