Best of Yuru Camp

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*Yuru Camp Series Overall Thoughts* (Wow I have to split this into two comments, I wrote *a lot*. I love this show. *A lot.* It's easily a top 10 series for me. It's a bit odd ranking the show, because when I look at my top 10 list, it's around series like Kara no Kyoukai, Clannad, Evangelion, Violet Evergarden, Fruits Basket, etc. which you could easily make a case are "objectively" better, with deeper lores or emotionally heartwrenching plots, and then you see "CGDCT Camping Show" among those, and it's a bit like "one of these things just doesn't belong here". When it comes to ranking shows, rather than trying to go for an "objective" methodology, I feel it's better to go by "how did I feel after watching it?" A show needn't have huge world-changing stakes to be good. To put it simply, as a piece of entertainment, all that matters was whether or not I enjoyed it. *And Yuru Camp is immensely enjoyable.* The show has an uncanny ability to put a dumb grin on my face from the second I hit play until the episode ends. You cannot escape **the comf**. I was able to connect with the characters (Rin especially), and unlike something otherworldy like an Utena or Evangelion, I actually can put myself in the show's situations and feel at home. Even if you're not an outdoorsy person, it's likely you can connect to somebody who's quiet and introverted like Rin, or somebody more outgoing and extroverted like Nadeshiko or Chiaki. That simple nature of the show means nearly anybody can connect with this show. On that note, as someone who could connect with Rin so well, through her introverted manner as well as her connection to her grandfather, I was incredibly happy to see the show treat that introversion as just "a way people are" rather than "something that should be fixed". Rin & Nadeshiko's friendship is hard not to love and enjoy watching it grow. I wasn't expecting to get emotionally invested into these characters when I first watched the show, but it's hard not to when you get to see characters who feel human, rather than walking tropes. When I was in high school, I knew people like Nadeshiko, Chiaki, etc. It also helps when everyone in the show is *so damn nice* to each other. I've said it before, but it's a weird culture shock to go from watching shows with broken manipulative people like Utena, then go and watch the nicest people on the planet, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's sort of a role model thing where you wish everyone IRL was that nice. Even if the world is very similar to ours, it still has that "I wish our world was like that" feeling. Much like how Nadeshiko's excitement is incredibly contagious, there's just something that boosts your day like meeting somebody so unabashedly happy. From a visual and auditory perspective, the show is fantastic. While sure, the show isn't ufotable or KyoAni level gorgeous, but C-Station did a wonderful job. The characters are incredibly expressive, and the backgrounds are *stunning*, especially night time and mountainous shots. The VAs all fit their roles to perfection, and I want to give special credit to Nao Toyama for playing Rin so well. When I first saw the show, it caught me off guard because I've seen several other shows with her, and her voice is usually really distinct, but this performance felt different, and I usually see it as a plus when an actor/actress does so well that you don't even recognize them. If it wasn't obvious through my *OST Gush of the Day* segment, I *adore* Akiyuki Tateyama's music for the show. It never overpowers the scenes, but rather perfectly compliments every type of scene. There's great songs for [comedic scenes](, great songs for those quiet and touching [late night convos]( with our characters connecting, great songs for [exploring the exciting and unique locales](, and of course, the soundtrack's forte, [comf.]( If anyone wants a Yuru Camp Spotify playlist to get comfy to, [here's one!]( While I'm on the topic, here's my *Top 5 Songs from the OST:* 1. [*Sorokyanpu no susume | Solo Camp Reccomendation:*]( This song exemplifies everything I adore about this show's music. 2. [*Hamanako no Theme: Samishii mo tanoshii | Hamanako Theme: It's Fun to be Lonely:*]( This scene is a big reason why I connect with Rin so well, and the music fit *so damn well.* 3. [*Ojiichan, mata hashiroune | Grandpa, Let's Ride Again:*]( Literally the same reasoning as the last song word for word. 4. [*Nokuru no jikan wachawacha | Field Time (Chit-Chat!):*]( This song is my favorite stereotypical "upbeat fun" song you hear littered through SoL shows. 5. [*Kyanpujou no theme jinbagatayama | Campsite Theme ~Mount Jimbagata~:*]( About 1 minute into it just makes me want to get up and dance, *and I do not dance.* That takes skill. *Questions of the Series:* * *Favorite episode?* Overall for the show, it would be a tough battle between S1 Episode 12, S2 Episode 9, and S2 Episode 12. They all hit me in the feels, the good kind! * *Favorite moment?* It comes down to [the quiet chat]( from S1 Episode 12 or the [ride with Rin's grandfather]( from S2 Episode 9. * *Favorite campsite?* Overall, it's Lake Motosu, but from just S2, it's hard not to love the Izu trip, those geospots were awesome! * *OP or ED?* OP all the way, I went on a huge rant about how much I love it back in the first episode of the season. The song hypes me up, the visuals are really well done, & it has an incredible flow which matches the song well. * *Favorite character?* Rin, hands down. Nothing changed from S1. I connected with her even more this season. * *Favorite vocal performance?* I already went over why Nao Toyama is so good, but I'll also shout out Chiaki's VA, Sayuri Hara. Her performance is just downright hilarious, nearly every time she opens her mouth, I'm laughing. * *Season 1 or 2?* I already covered it, S2 by a smidge. * *Favorite OP?* Seize the Day by a country mile. * *Favorite ED?* Honestly, they're both really solid, but Harunotonari by a smidge. * *What would you like to see in the movie/a possible Season 3?* Honestly, more comf. The show already nails what I want, so as long as the quality remains the same, I'm content. The movie excites me because it has them as adults, which I imagine will tackle the issue of finding time to camp together. * *For rewatchers: Has your opinion of Yuru Camp changed after this rewatch?* It only improved in my mind. I loved it the first go-around, but I noticed more this time, and I love it even more now. * Bonus Nugget, *Most screenshots taken for my comments?* Season 1 Episode 11 featured *forty-seven* images & clips. Maybe if I participate in another rewatch I should cool it on the screenshots... My screenshots and clips for this rewatch totalled a whopping 1.724 GB. To end off, Yuru Camp is amazing, and I hope the movie coming out soon isn't the last of Yuru Camp we get to see animated. **Thank you Afro, C-Station, and everyone else involved to get this show made!** Also, thank you u/SorcererOfTheLake for running these Rewatch threads! *I'm not saying you've converted me to the dark side of shipping, but I'm not saying you didn't either.* Actually, after browsing r/anime since 2015, this is actually the first time I've actually participated in a rewatch by commenting every day, and it's been fun! I needed an excuse for some *comf* and this rewatch was the perfect excuse. Also, thank you to the other commenters, whether it be showing links to the IRL locations they visited in the show, giving even greater detail to some of the nuances of the characters, or whatever u/Barbed_Dildo wrote for that day since they seemed to always have something interesting in each thread, I can't list you all but it's been fun to share in the fun that is Yuru Camp with you all!





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6/4/22 17:07


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