French Bands are Killing It πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Playlist By

Jim Cofer

Data Refreshed On

January 28, 2024

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Seriously. Have a listen.


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0 days, 8 hours, 56 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 20, 2023


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There are literally a billion great bands from outside the US and UK. All links below are to the Spotify artist page; acts sing in primarily in English unless noted: [Marsheaux]( - a fantastic synthpop band from Greece. Their cover of Billy Idol's "Eyes Without a Face" is their most popular song... but that's criminal given how great the rest of the catalog is. [Postiljonen]( - a dreampop band from Sweden and Norway. Warm and fuzzy, it's the soundtrack to your happiest teenage memories. [Flunk]( - a Norwegian band, not unlike Postiljonen, but more mellow and less electronic. Like something you'd hear in a hip coffee shop somewhere. [The Raveonettes]( - this Danish band is kind of all over the map. Their early albums are heavily influenced by 50s American rock n' roll, but later albums expand their sound a lot. If you can only listen to one album, try *Lust Lust Lust*. [Sexores]( - the Ecuadorian band makes dreampoppy tunes that sound like something you'd hear on a cool TV show or in a movie. I can't recommend their 2018 album *East/West* enough. [Burning Peacocks]( - a French band headed by Alma Jodorowsky, granddaughter of director Alejandro Jodorowsky. Infectious pop. Their one album, *Love RΓ©action* is mostly in English, with a couple French songs. [Therapie TAXI]( - a French band that sings entirely in French.. but you just have to listen to their debut album, *Hit Sale*: it's got more hooks than a Bass Pro Shop! It's getting late, so let me make one last recommendation, one of my playlists: [French Bands are Killing It]( If you think French pop music is just greasy guys in Member's Only jackets chain smoking while phonetically singing in English... you've been out of the loop too long. Not only are has France birthed some supergroups, like Daft Punk and M83, the list of great French bands seems to just go on and on and on these days: Phoenix, Kid Francescoli, Camp Claude, Grand Blanc, Minuit Machine, Pi Ja Ma, Polo & Pan, Part Time Friends, Opale... the list seems to go on and on.





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2/26/20 0:19


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