hyperpop ep rate

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Data Refreshed On

October 14, 2022

Open in Spotify



Playlist Length

0 days, 3 hours, 11 minutes

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Reddit Post

Hello raters. First of all, the [Eurovision Rate](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/tum6qr/21st_century_eurovision_rate/) is still taking submissions so please consider submitting if you are interested! Every ballot counts! Secondly (and more importantly), I bring you two ideas that I will be submitting this cycle, one new one and one old one! The first rate is for something I hold very dear to my heart and is probably the most niche rate idea of all time, but damnit Iā€™m gonna keep trying to get it in until it finally gets accepted: **[The Vocaloid Rate!](https://pastebin.com/d2qMf0Ya)** Vocaloid often gets misunderstood by outsiders as just being a "weeb" thing or not understanding just who and what Hatsune Miku is, and I hope to change some of those perceptions with this rate! Spanning from 2007 up to today, this rate features 51 of the most iconic, important, and flat out best songs created using the vocal synthesis software, from 51 different producers, all with their own unique style. We've never had a full Japanese language rate on this sub before, and I think this would be a great starting rate for that sub-genre of music! Now for something a little bit more popheads friendly, **The Hyperpop EPs Rate!** Hyperpop has so many wonderful artists out there, so what better way to rate all of them then with an EP rate? The main rate features 10 EPs from artists in the Hyperpop/Digicore scene, including: - 100 gecs - 100 gecs - plague town - 8485 - greenhouse - aldn - High Dragon and Universe - Alice Longyu Gao - Domination - Chase Icon - COBRAH - COBRAH - Feeling Cool And Normal - Fraxiom - If You Think I'm a Bitch, You Should Meet GFOTY - GFOTY - cypress grove - glaive - Crush - That Kid ...plus a bonus rate featuring 15 other fantastic artists of the genre! You can view the whole main rate + bonus rate [HERE](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0HSGspz8RCJQNDwf0vvIAB?si=6e8781aa5b844b31) with a spotify playlist created by my (future) cohost. As always I'm so excited to see which rates get picked! But I would love if one of mine got selected this cycle as well šŸ˜Š





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Reddit Timestamp

4/22/22 8:10


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