Blackstar - Expanded and Rearranged

Playlist By

Johnathan Glass

Data Refreshed On

October 12, 2022

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0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes

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I haven't yet but am planning on it. Like yourself I'm going to put them in an order that makes sense. I've decided that that means I can also move the Blackstar tracks around, since if they'd been on the album the entire track list could have been different. :) Edit: And here it is! 1. Lazarus 2. When I Met You 3. Sue (Or In a Season of Crime) 4. 'Tis a Pity She Was a Whore 5. Killing a Little Time 6. Girl Loves Me 7. Dollar Days 8. I Can't Give Everything Away 9. No Plan 10. Blackstar I decided to completely flip the album around. It starts with Lazarus, which I feel really sets a nice tone for the "album". I followed that up with When I Met You as I already liked how it blended from Lazarus on the new EP. Plus, the lyrics kind of tie in to Lazarus. From there to Sue, which adds a kind of frenetic energy that I think is great when followed up by 'Tis a Pity. I decided to keep the energy going with Killing a Little Time. From there the energy drops a tiny bit but the, erm, edginess?, doesn't, with Girl Loves Me. This leads us to Dollar Days and I Can't Give Everything Away. Those two have to go together as one blends into the other. From there I went to No Plan, and then ended the "album" with the title track, Blackstar. I think ending on that song leaves the listener sitting there in silence for a while in thought. It kind of lingers with you. Even if you think it's heresy to move the tracks around like this, I highly encourage listening to the entirety of it as I think it's got a great flow. Having Lazarus and Blackstar as the album's book ends just makes sense to me. And honestly, having them so far apart in the listening experience turns this from one of Bowie's most (understandably) dark albums into something with a bit more energy. I'd love to hear what people have to say about this reimagined run order. And OP, I'm going to listen to your suggested play order when I get home! I can tell from the look of it I'm already going to like it. :)





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Reddit Timestamp

1/11/17 16:44


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