love is a ruthless game

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February 11, 2024

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unless you play it good and right


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0 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

January 2, 2024


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i’ve dedicated *hours* to making spotify playlists around the “vibe” each album has. i’ve been working through my favourite eras first but let me give my summary of each one RED: just as taylor described it- “happy free confused and lonely at the same time” it’s a fantastic mix of true country, country pop, bubblegum pop, heartbreak ballads, and even a 2010s electronic dance sound. with the rerelease of the album, RED has been fully flushed out as a wide, wide range of emotions young adult feel when navigating the world for the first time on their own. it’s lonely, it’s empowering, it’s scary, it’s fun! and when love hurts you in an unimaginable way, you go looking for it again because you love the chase, the fall, and the ashes. reputation: everyone dismisses this as an angry revenge album- and while there are a few songs dedicated to that- i’d argue this album is more about being truly, madly, deeply in love with someone. so much so that you’re addicted to it, and you love being drunk on love. it’s dark but it’s sexy and freeing. you’ve got something that’s really something, not just the idea of something, and you are fiercely going to protect it from the cruel world. lover: i almost feel like this album comes before reputation thematically. this is the the beginning of a new relationship, still feels a bit like a crush. you’re pretty dismissive of the judgemental world around you because of it. no body can phase you because you’re happy, you just love love! it’s lighthearted and experimental sound-wise, but it’s tinged with the anxiety and fear of maybe losing the person who makes you feel this way folklore: since this was kind of her first album that hasn’t been autobiographical, there are some really clear themes here. wilful innocence versus painfully-learned maturity, love + loss + forgiveness, etc etc. but all of this happens against summery carefree vibe. it’s for the people who see beauty and poetry in everything. it takes you back your childhood summers at the local water park, with chlorine in your hair and beatles or sixpence none the richer on the radio. but you’ve grown up, and you miss that version of you. evermore: a bit controversial but i’d argue that evermore is sadder than folklore because of the season it’s meant to be listened to. something about the winter makes everyone so much sadder. it’s like you’ve just been broken up with but you have to go downstairs for christmas dinner. you’re only smiling to stop yourself from crying. it’s cold outside so it’s just you and your bed, deep in thought. you know come the new year it’ll be okay, but it truly feels like you’ll never get to see the sun again. i hate self-promo as much as the next person but seriously check out my playlists ! they’re still a work in progress but i would love your thoughts red 1989 rep lover folklore evermore





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Reddit Timestamp

3/18/22 6:41


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