Songs Like Karma To Burn (Chosic)
Tracks from artists similar to artist: Karma To Burn created with Playlist Generator from
Playlist Length
0 days, 7 hours, 6 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
July 31, 2024
Track Popularity Rating
Somewhat Popular
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Top Playlists
These are the playlists that frequently match with Songs Like Karma To Burn (Chosic) based on the categories below. Check-out each category for additional playlists.
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Playlists matched by number of shared artists
Dune Rider
Stoner Rock
π¬ WHAT THE FUZZ | Stoner Rock, Desert rock, Hard Rock, Riffs, Psychedelic, Fuzzy guitars
Stoner Rock
Desert Sessions
Stoner Classics
Space Cadet
Stoner Rock
Best Of Stoner Rock
Global Grooves: Highway Haze of Stoner Rock
feinster stoner 2
The Stoner's Paradise
A comprehensive guide to Stoner Rock.
Desert Stoner Rock
Fully loaded... ready to explode!
Heavy Psych, Space Rock, & Stoner Rock Voyage
Introduction to Stoner Rock
The Doombringer
Doom Metal Top Tracks
Playlists matched by number of shared sub genres
Psychedelic, Stoner Rock, Acid rock
Heavy, Psychedelic & Stoner Rock
Ultimate Guitar - Top 40 Stoner Rock Songs from Underrated Bands
Doomed Meadow Of Stone
Doom Psychedelic
The Delicate Sound of Thunder - The Softer Side of Stoner Music
Slightly Fuzzed
Riffs for Days
A Hora do ChΓ‘ Mutante Stoner/Doom/Sludge Playlist
Extra Psychedelic Stoner and Doom
Stoner Doom
Doom stoner
The Stoner's Paradise
Finest Stoner Rock
Righteous Stoner / Psychedelic / Doom / Space / Desert Rock
Psychedelic Stoner Rock Mix
It's 420: All Things Stoner / Doom
Playlists matched by shared audio characteristics. Audio characteristics capture the mood of the music but can sound different.
ππ Kaleidoscopic Death Ritual
"GRU-NGE" Playlist I (Erinc)
Burn One Up! Music for Stoners
Rawk Music
SE Energy&Atmosphere2020
(04) Stoner
Dune Rider
MX vs. ATV Reflex (Official Soundtrack)
Stoned Rock
Forever ShitKid
Introduction to Stoner Rock
The Sound of Stoner Rock
Stoner & Desert Rock
red bull rock n roll
Desert Stone
π¬ WHAT THE FUZZ | Stoner Rock, Desert rock, Hard Rock, Riffs, Psychedelic, Fuzzy guitars
Stoner Rock
Conan fan club
Neo-Psychedelia - Garage Rock / Stoner Rock / Noise / Drone / Shoegaze / Lo-Fi / Post-Punk
Playlists matched by number of shared songs
Desert Bastard
Stoner Rock
Desert Sessions
The Doombringer
The Sound of Stoner Rock
The Sound of Stoner Metal
Uncle Acid Radio
The Stoner's Paradise
Orange Goblin Radio
π¬ WHAT THE FUZZ | Stoner Rock, Desert rock, Hard Rock, Riffs, Psychedelic, Fuzzy guitars
Slightly Fuzzed
Stoner Rock
Sun is Burning
Desert Rock.
The shit
Global Grooves: Highway Haze of Stoner Rock
Desert Stoner rock
Fifth Impact