Songs that make me feel like I did when I first saw “wonderland” Ateez on Kingdom

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Data Refreshed On

June 3, 2024

Open in Spotify


I watched kingdom episode 3 on 4/17/21 and saw Ateez perform “From the Wonderland” and it was so life altering I finally decided to make an update Kpop playlist


Playlist Length

0 days, 11 hours, 7 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

April 28, 2024



Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

Helloooo I have a questions for ~Russian Kpop fans~ or really anyone. I wrote a nice clear and long post in the Kpop page but it deleted it lmao. I’ve never learned how the guidelines work for that. And I’m too tired to rewrite it as nice as I did. BUT I’m American and I only speak English but I love foreign music. I have adhd and listening to foreign music helps me concentrate. I listen to pop/rock so it’s upbeat and the lyrics aren’t distracting. It’s also been helpful because it’s not over stimulating having to focus on the beat and the lyrics. In short! I’ve been really into Russian music recently but it’s not as easy to find music as Kpop is. For Kpop I am a staytinymoa and this is my main playlist so u can get a feel for what I like [Kpop playlist]( Also here’s my gg only [girl groups ]( This is the Russian play list I’ve been cultivating. Ik the name isn’t bonk in Russian it just looks that way and my friend lovesss the bonk memes and I shared it w her. It was just the first song I added and so I made a lil edit for her to make her laugh. [Russian play list ]( Also I’m open to any languages/music that’s on Spotify!! I just need some new stimulating music and it’s hard / takes a lot of time to go searching so I figured I’d just ask for your guys recommendations:)





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Reddit Timestamp

8/26/21 19:45


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