The Commodore's Faves

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Data Refreshed On

January 29, 2024

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Some of my favorite tunes, hope you enjoy!


Playlist Length

0 days, 11 hours, 24 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

July 6, 2022


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Alas! 'Tis the end of our beloved show. Tho we might wish to know where they might go 'Twill not be for us to know. It's been fun, it's been real, it's even been real fun. Thanks to everyone who participated, and helped a poor benighted sould such as myself enjoy this lovely little series. Special thanks to the few who have played the music geek game with me - u/A_Idiot0 and u/Siegfried72 especially. It's been fun to share music geeky stuff. I think I may have found a few (or more) new things to like here. Before we go our separate ways, I'd share a moment of honesty with you. Once upon a time, I hated this series. You see, I was a Haruhi fan, and was greatly offended at how the second season of Haruhi was moe-ified, and when I discovered that it was the K-on art style creeping into the show, well, yeah. That, and what are you doing making all this moe junk when you could me making more Haruhi... Well, many years later, look which series has aged better, eh? Times and circumstances have changed, and I find myself in a place now where fuwa fuwa time is a lot more comforting and valuable than I expected it would be. Go figure. I actually first started watching the series on Netflix a few years back, because it was there, and at the time, I needed a comfort fix. Only made it through S1, but I enjoyed it, and eventually bought the big box of blu-ray goodness. Which (of course), I proceeded to not watch until these last few weeks. So, yeah, this rewatch has been a bit of a pleasurable surprise for me. Nothing too world shaking, but fun, wholesome, fluffy goodness, kind of like our keions. Speaking of which, my printer did manage to behave, [so I made myself some mementos to take to work and decorate my desk space (and support my beverages)]( I have to say, I'm rather happy with how they turned out, but at the same time, I'm not so sure about the colors I used. I had inteded to emulate Yui's geetah pick, but the contrast is a bit stark. Also, as I said, thanks to those who played the music game with me. Unfortunately, I didn't make it through everything I'd hoped to share, but yeah. Again - a bit of a disclaimer - once upon a time, I used to spend some time on a thing called Usenet, where there was a poster with an odd name like 0000008 or something who would post a lot of semi-obscure (and often European) prog or what he called "Melodic Rock". That's where I learned of the existence of things like Kamelot, Pride of Lions, Lionville, etc. I've been a big fan of Saga (on the other hand) since my college roommated fired their third album (Silent Knight) up on the old record player in the dorm room. Good times. Anyway, parting being such sweet sorrow, here's a few final bands/tracks to take with you. Hope you enjoy them! [Nightwish - Last of the Wilds]( [Work of Art - Castaway]( [East Village Opera Company - Habanera]( And finally, if you're curious about what other madness I might not have remembered here, here's a [Spotify playlist with 150 or so things on it that you might enjoy](, or might just be horrified by instead. Who knows? Aside from Hank Hill, that is. Y'all have a great day, and hopefully look forward to seeing you again sometime soon! :)





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Reddit Timestamp

9/13/21 17:06


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