Elite: Dangerous
Playlist Length
3 days, 5 hours, 31 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
July 16, 2015
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I've put in about 20 hours over the last week and it seems like all I've done is explore or smuggle things. So after this week, I have a few questions here: 1. How do I increase my rank with the Federation? Do I just keep doing bulletin board missions in Federation controlled star systems? Will I eventually get missions directly from the Federation? I really want the Sol pass. I seriously need someone to give me an ELI5 on this one or just tell me where to start. 2. What should I outfit my Cobra Mk. III with? I'm pretty lost when it comes to combat. Right now I have 3 pulse lasers (?) on it. What would be a good loadout for it? 3. How does Powerplay work? From what I've seen, it just seems like an aesthetic more than anything. It doesn't really seem to do much other than just say someone is exploiting a system. Do these change and can players affect it? 4. What should the next ship I use be? I liked the Adder and I'm currently in a Cobra Mk. III and I really like it. I'm not really sure where to go from here. I want an Asp but it seems kinda far away. 5. What kind of music do you listen to while you play? I made a playlist on Spotify and want some recommendations. [Here's the playlist. ](https://open.spotify.com/user/1226015416/playlist/1H8GKFieHqjxmdyeJrtsgn) I think this is all the questions I have but I might add more if I can think of them.
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7/17/15 13:46
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