Kosmos - The Playlist

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Data Refreshed On

January 30, 2024

Open in Spotify


Because why not, seems fun


Playlist Length

0 days, 3 hours, 52 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 5, 2020


Mixed Mood

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Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

## Version 10.1 - [Space Jam](https://open.spotify.com/user/tomplayde/playlist/1Iuhxm38sqQuahHgeUIVV5) ## Customize your SDFiles under: https://www.sdsetup.com/ (give it some time to update) ## Guide to hacking your Switch: https://guide.sdsetup.com/ # [**Join us on Discord**](https://discord.gg/qbRAuy7) # Changelog: ### **[Read the v10 Changelog](https://github.com/tumGER/SDFilesSwitch/releases/tag/v10)** ## SDFilesUpdater - New bundle added: Hekate (No Gamecard) for those looking for a nogc bundle - Added audio tones when navigating through the app. - You can now restart the Switch once you finish updating by pressing the X button. - Ignore updating specific files through the settings.config file. - Ability to turn off the auto updating of the app through the settings.config file. - Downloads are now zip files again instead of tar files. This makes the download significantly smaller. ## SDFilesToolkit: - Fixed auto boot breaking hekate_ipl.ini - Fixed parsing when loader.ini had BOM bytes ## General: - Remove wildcards out of ini files to fix Mac OS X compatibility. - Added a modified Tinfoil version as the original Tinfoil (Now maintained by XorTroll) broke support for most firmwares due to USB-support. - Updated Checkpoint - Updated HBL (Apparently reverted a update in v10 testing I thought was implemented) - Updated sys-netcheat and most importantly: - **General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.** --- **How to use:** 1. Download [Hekate](https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate/releases) or use the payload that comes with the package 2. Download the [latest release](https://github.com/tumGER/SDFilesSwitch/releases) 3. Start Hekate through e.g. [Fusée Gelée](https://github.com/reswitched/fusee-launcher), [TegraRcmSmash](https://switchtools.sshnuke.net/) or [WebCFWLoader](https://elijahzawesome.github.io/web-cfw-loader/) 4. ??? 5. Profit! --- **Featuring:** -[Atmosphere fork](https://github.com/SDF-Switch/Atmosphere) -[Homebrew Menu](https://github.com/switchbrew/nx-hbmenu) -[Homebrew Loader](https://github.com/switchbrew/nx-hbloader) -[AppstoreNX](https://github.com/vgmoose/appstorenx) -[EdiZon](https://github.com/thomasnet-mc/EdiZon) -[SDFileUpdater](https://github.com/StevenMattera/SDFileUpdater) -[Sys-FTPD](https://github.com/jakibaki/sys-ftpd) -[ReiNX](https://github.com/Reisyukaku/ReiNX) -[Xor.play](https://github.com/XorTroll/ModuleMania) -[Sys-netcheat](https://github.com/jakibaki/sys-netcheat) -[Hekate](https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate) -[Switchpresence](https://github.com/Random0666/SwitchPresence) -[Checkpoint](https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/Checkpoint) **There are a lot of modified versions of this pack going around, I'm not connected, responsible or justifiable for the content of those modifications.** —< Team-{We Still Do Not Have A Team Name} - Rocking the Switch in 2018 and beyond! >— ![488566022060638219](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25822956/47524232-55274400-d89a-11e8-9130-ec4ea839f497.png)





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Reddit Timestamp

10/25/18 15:16


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