Every Robert Pollard Album Ever

Playlist By

Matthew Bergey

Data Refreshed On

October 8, 2022

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Playlist Length

2 days, 4 hours, 35 minutes

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Reddit Post

ahh big fan of Robert Pollard and the whole Guided by Voices gang and I've been waiting for this post to spring up on r/letstalkmusic I don't have too much to add onto what GreatZapper said but I do have some really good resources for Pollard fans. For starters and people that dont know too much about the GBV history or want a good introduction on where to go next this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QrAQfKOsGk made a multi-part series that is very informative (along with being pretty biased but that's okay) Its pretty long but he does a good job of making it fun and interesting and if you're as invested with GBV as I am then it is nothing compared to the time you will spend listening to half broken recordings in peoples basements. Here is a spotify playlist I made with every GBV, Robert Pollard, Side Project, and a couple Tobin Sprout albums I could find, There is a lot missing due to spotify not having every album of his though: http://open.spotify.com/user/1256794337/playlist/1QaOZ45qPODPLT9KPn2rhr Lastly here is a criminally forgotten album of Robert Pollard that for me ranks up there with Alien Lanes, Bee Thousand, and Under The Bushes Under the Stars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Su3Bv11SQI&list=PLAW_5mZ0P18s6T7MHOIP4UuFIp_63ppri Its hard to find but man is it worth it. It's one of the extremely few Pollard albums where I can honestly say EVERY song on it is fantastic with this group of three being my all time favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk2EUdgK0Ao&index=6&list=PLAW_5mZ0P18s6T7MHOIP4UuFIp_63ppri Edit: also the ever classic Subspace Biographies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U5BWlCBNS0&index=3&list=PLAW_5mZ0P18s6T7MHOIP4UuFIp_63ppri I could keep blabbering about Pollard for forever but I think now its better if you guys just go out and hear him for himself





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Reddit Timestamp

9/26/14 21:39


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