Hairspray and Spandex

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Data Refreshed On

February 25, 2024

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Glitz, Glam, and a fuckton of cocaine. Hair Metal may be sleazy but it's one hell of a good time when you hear it.


Playlist Length

0 days, 2 hours, 53 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

June 21, 2022



Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

The thing is. Hair metal was unpopular due to how it flooded the rock scene and at the time "real" metal was harder to find in stores which reserved more space for motley crue than megadeth Nowadays all rock has died out in the mainstream and services like Spotify and the mass popularity of the internet have come along which allow people to find and listen to as much music as they want of any genre you could dream of. Of course some people never forgot how much they hated hair metal and realistically it's been confined to over the top parodies due to many people remembering it as something to laugh at rather than sing along to so basically, Yes it would be easier to make it as a hard rock artist but hair metal has the potential to be popular again which it didn't in the 90s due to many people looking back on it fondly and many more (like myself) having been born long after grunge and alt rock came and killed it. So it's still possible for it to be popular again amongst the nostalgic and younger crowd. I myself while not being super into the genre (and there is alot of forgettable hair metal and some hair metal is downright sleazy and disgusting filth I wouldn't touch with a ten foot stick with gloves on) but I do have a Spotify playlist with around 2 hours worth of hair metal songs and I'm always looking for more songs to add to it. So tldr: yes but it isn't completely hopeless a dream to get big as a hair metal band. It's almost hopeless but given the circumstances I like to imagine it's possible And if anyone reading this wants to hear the playlist here's the link





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Reddit Timestamp

7/28/20 22:08


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