real music 🤠

Playlist By

meg 💫

Data Refreshed On

January 30, 2024

Open in Spotify


i dont even use this anymore lol... it's p much my whole library though // iconique bops.


Playlist Length

12 days, 5 hours, 37 minutes

Playlist Followers




Playlist Last Updated

December 1, 2023


Mixed Mood

Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Info

Reddit Post

I have a ton of playlists, these are the best names. (They all have emojis): [🤠real music🤠]( is my main playlist of 1863 songs that pretty much contains every song I like. This is the main one I use when I'm listening to music. [✨the most iconic of the bops✨]( is the playlist for my top favorite songs. I usually try to keep it at about 20 songs, but sometimes I go a little over. It's really hard to choose my 20 favorites so it's changing a lot. [😡eat dirt 2: me boogaloo😡]( is my playlist for angry songs. I named it eat dirt 2 because the title was inspired by [Conan Gray's playlist of the same name]( [😱mom come pick me up i'm scared😱]( is my playlist for songs that sound scary. [💬otras Sprachen 💬]( is my playlist for music in other languages. "Otras" is in Spanish and "Sprachen" is in German, which are the two languages I'm learning. Those are the main interesting ones, [this is my full account]( if you want to see the rest of them.





Reddit Username


Reddit Timestamp

9/15/19 10:30


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