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January 30, 2024

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January 29, 2024


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I rarely log on, but after seeing the responses you're getting, I thought I'd chip in. =) For context: I spend a lot of time learning languages (french, hindi, punjabi, afrikaans), and have for nearly 2 decades. I have a lot of experience in this topic! Afrikaans is also my mother tongue, so I want to see it flourish. And, it's quite hard outside SA - as others have mentioned, no duolingo, rosetta stone, etc for it. Anyways, here's how you should go about this: - MUST DO: You should get a tutor. The best place for this is https://www.italki.com/, or other websites like this. You'll hire a south african teacher that will customise a lesson plan for you and directly tutor you. Each lesson will cost a tenner or so, which may seem pricey but is actually _very cheap_ compared to other direct tutoring options. You specifically should use a formal teacher, not a community teacher: you need a directed lesson plan. Use community teachers later on to practice undirected speaking. - Good for accents: Watch TV/movies, listen to music. Sadly there's not much in the way of afrikaans tv/movies, but there's a good deal of music. Here's my playlist if you want a headstart: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1iJmDVWfqkHVnr9hI5rFUW?si=a51be848a6504827 - Good for reading/writing: Read books. You should start with children's books. May be bit hard to find, and a bit boring - your call on whether it works for you or not. - Good for conversation: Again, italki and other connect-with-a-person websites. Also try to get your girlfriend/anyone to talk to you in afrikaans. It's probably not going to be easy - you'll have to be very intentional. As you meet her family/friends, try to pick people with whom it'd make sense to start talking in afrikaans, and always talk to them in afrikaans (I find older aunties/uncles are good for this haha). - Good for supplementing: Duolingo and other apps, when they finally support afrikaans. Youtube has several "learning afrikaans" channels/videos which can be good too. - Meta: Check out r/languagelearning. I want to emphasise that if you're surrounded by your target language (ie in south africa, talking to afrikaaners) there's no replacement for tutoring/class learning. Duolingo (even if it had it), books, music, TV, etc, are only supplements. Last note: as when learning any language, take it slowly, don't burn yourself out, and enjoy the process. Sterkte!





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Reddit Timestamp

5/10/22 20:13


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