E(motional)DM Tracks

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Data Refreshed On

January 30, 2024

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Songs dedicated to grief, coming back from pain, loss, and sorrow, and a selection of tracks which remind you to live.


Playlist Length

0 days, 14 hours, 47 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

March 27, 2023


Mixed Mood

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Oh honey, something similar happened to me about exactly 6 years ago to the day. Marriage with the partner of my dreams, *poof*. I felt so lost and alone. Oh so alone. I remember the void that those days left in me and I still wrestle with it regularly. You’re experiencing trauma that makes your limbic system think it is about to die. You are well beyond fight and flight, [you’re in freeze, fawn, shutdown mode](https://images.app.goo.gl/zUrojB1Cx3eCpgJN6). I would bet money on it from what you’ve described. I am gonna wax poetic for a but cause this is the kind of stuff no one said to me that I wish they did. First things first, you’re gonna have to grieve. No way around it. The longer you put it off, the deeper the hole gets. Let yourself feel the feelings, express your words, cry, rage, do whatever, just don’t hurt anyone and try to limit yourself when the urge to break or throw out things you truly love that, at least right now, remind you of this situation because they are tangentially connected to your relationship. Get serious anout therapy and self-care in response to trauma and do your best to limit numbing responses (intoxication, food, spending, major life changes you would not want in a healthy state for no apparent reason, seeking conflict to excess). You will need to make changes, yes, but do them with as much love for future you that you can muster. You’ll thank present you down the line, trust me. TW: therapeutic medicating talk incoming. >!So I have done a lot of work in the drug rehab industry and it pisses me off that the best drugs for fighting the pain and coming back from loss, struggle, or whatever it is in life that makes people turn to a lethal-risk level addiction, are also more or less illegal in most places. I am talking of course about psilocybin, LSD, and cannabis. If you can obtain a safe supply of psilocybin and are so inclined, those are really good for cutting the crap noise in the brain and letting you connect with/accept loss. If you aren’t experienced in this area, but want to be, take it slowwwww. LSD helps you conmect with your place in the universe and is a great one for letting yourself experience an existential death and rebirth. Just be safe if you go this route. Also, on the topic of psychedelics, MDMA, as tempting as it might be, is starting to be cut with some seriously hard drugs. My friends who rave insist they test their supply before they take it. Last thing you want is to OD on a mix of stimulants like amphetamines, opioids, and MDMA in one pill. Test strips for days.!< Get your financial and spending decisions sorted ASAP. Learn to live slow and be gentle with yourself. Grieving takes years. Learn how to calm and sooth your limbic nervous responses so you can get back to secure, stable, safe in the moment. Exercise does wonders for mental health and body image. Go slow with that too. Learn about mindfulness in fitness, concentric, isometric, and eccentric phases, why each are important, and what muscle groups you should focus on activating when doing any particular movement or lift. 3x a week is all most folks need. Diet is huge too. If you’re veggie deficient or some other nutrient, that will gnaw at your gut and body. Shit will start to break down while you’re grieving, and the diet is one of the main culprits to fast tracking that. Finally, you’re gonna have to learn to love again, to love yourself, to live a life you want. It will be hard, I know. But learning to let go and celebrate the moment is a critical long-term survival skill. What does it for everyone is different, but for me it was art and dancing. Specifically electronic music let me move my body and connect with feelings in ways I never have before. I was not a dancer before all this, now I can’t stop. Trust me when I say it helps. Especially EDM because so much of it is focused on life’s great emotions. If you don’t believe me, check out [this playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1lvh0Zj1prGtdaRb3SnHzQ?si=zonF495PTqGsN7xSllAI2Q). Good luck my friend. You can have an after to your after, but for now, you’re gonna have to focus on helping your brain let go of what came before. :hugs:





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Reddit Timestamp

3/18/23 13:39


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