horror punk, samhain/ halloween, autumn, witchy vibes

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February 21, 2024

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0 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

October 26, 2020



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yessss. this chick is still gonna be rich and relevant. the album will still thrive and survive. the more I read up on the situation, the more I'm learning that leaked material is just to be expected the bigger an artist you become. and the material will still perform successfully. I do feel terribly for ariana from a purely artistic perspective. it seems like this project and the promo for it was the most organized (for lack of a better word atm) since yours truly, and it seemed like ariana was super stoked to share it with us on her terms. I can only imagine the amount of willpower it took for her to be working on a project for so long and only ever share one snippet with us. also, giving less than a month to wait after announcing the album was such a power move - I think it actually increased the momentum of the hype ,which she probably needed knowing she'd be less interactive on twitter for her mental health reasons (and you can't blame her for that if you saw the shit people were writing to her today smh). and hearing the album and the perfection that it is (yes I've listened to the whole thing) makes me feel even worse for her bc this album is such a beautiful masterpiece and I think will take her career to new heights. this is coming from someone who had lower expectations going into it and worried it would lack substance. I will never doubt ari again and it sucks she didn't get to give this gift to the world the way she planned. I just feel like my listening to it now that someone else already leaked it isn't hurting anyone as long as I still buy the CD and stream on friday and probably weeks to come after that. and as for the stealing streams/$ argument coming from people, well, I think it will all even itself out. for me, I've been trying to stream the shit out of this horror/halloween/fall playlist I made for the october season, and now today I've been listening to positions instead of that. (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1rIX3qGXWdtG0dy5e0ko0N?si=jSiqrIg2QWa-p72czwjV2g link to my playlist for the fellow punk rockers and halloween buffs :)) which means these punk bands who probably need the streams more than ari are the ones actually losing out. so I figure if I go back to the halloween vibes playlist tomorrow and all week till friday, and then switch to positions on friday on spotify, everyone wins. TLDR leaking an artist's work early is unfair to them but whether or not dedicated fans should listen to it now that it's out there anyway is probably too subjective to debate and depends on your personal ethics and intentions. we all know the album is out there now. do what you want with it, just don't be the asshole who posts spoilers or tweets ari about it or makes it more accessible to fans who are already feeling tempted to listen but trying to hold off. respect everyone else's opinion on the matter and enjoy yourself. everything will work out.





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Reddit Timestamp

10/26/20 23:58


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