
Data Refreshed On

February 14, 2024

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Playlist Length

1 days, 4 hours, 16 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

October 11, 2023


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Alone Zone’s are great, but just talk about it before that if one of you starts feeling bad or wants to come to over that you are both more than okay with it! It’s like typical that if you were starting to feel bad you didn’t want to “ruin the mood in the other safe zone” I’d skip watching movies, great choice! Drawing and paintin is soooooi much fun while tripping but it can get a little messy, but that’s just fun. You have to go out! When you feel the best at home or overwhelmed at home then pick some comfy clothes take your airpods and listen to this playlist [Stellar Nebula]( Other things to do is just about yourselfes about your feelings and dont be afraid to tell your brother how much you Love him and how thankfull you are for him. Try to spend a great time outside with worldy thoughts and good music! Food: I can’t stress this enough, Fruit Fruit and again, Fruit. Strawberries, Watermelons, Blueberries, Apples. It all makes sense and it’s amazing on Acid! Water is also great and wakes upp your body and you can feel the clean water running in your body. Snacks are a dirty food, i’d not reccomend “weed food” If you dont have a trip sitter just make sure your dose is not to big and just both talk about that you are sitting each other! You are his trip sitter and he’s yours, if you don’t take a huge dose then that will work great. Okay the mirror thing. If at one point you feel good and feel like that you want to go deep and meet yourself then look in the mirror (Do this when the trip is wearing off, maybe after the walk and everything else) Try to smile to yourself and tell you that you are okay and you are meeting yourself in the mirror to be good to you and help you and not to judge! You friend is your mirror and the reflection is you. If you start having a bad feeling about the mirror then just stop looking at it and tell yourself you will do it at a better time when you are more ready. Have a lovely trip with your brother my friend, no worries this sounds like an amazing time to bond with your brother and yourself. Depression is hard, you will overcome it but remember it’s a marathon not a race ♥️





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Reddit Timestamp

11/5/21 5:42


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