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October 16, 2022

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Reddit Post

I saw quite a few comments saying things along the lines of "this is 4head logic" and I have prepared a statement after which if you still think I am making a 4head argument I invite you to suck my dick. Self deprecating humor is an actively harmful habit that reinforces negative thoughts on yourself and those around you where instead of confronting issues and dealing with them like an adult people will hide behind it and say "hahaha kms". If you talk to any therapist or psychiatrist they will tell you that self deprecating humor is not a healthy habit to get into and you will be better off making jokes in any other way. Self deprecating humor reinforces and bolsters depressive thoughts and is a really unhealthy coping mechanism to depression. As for the comedic side of it. Going on stage and essentially reading off a suicide note and going "haha jk" isn't going to get any laughs because masking depression isn't funny because people know how much pain the person on stage is going through and empathize with them. People don't make jokes to kill the mood, you make jokes to make people laugh and the joke that "my life is worthless and I am gonna kill myself later haha jk" is not a funny one it just comes across as a desperate cry for help. A good avenue to get out of the habit is to keep the same inflection and delivery but change the subject matter. For example instead of saying "kill yourself/myself" say "pee yourself/myself" pee is always funny and if you have ever told anyone to pee themselves they can't respond, you've already won. Also take ownership of the cool shit you do, don't downplay it. I went to a renaissance festival and got a wooden sword and mead, felt awesome to go to what is just a massive dnd thing in the middle of September. I stopped listening to sad as fuck music because it is sad as fuck and I don't want to have that permeate my headspace 24/7 so I started listening to upbeat chill music which just for you I am gonna link a few playlists. []( []( []( I am not saying that people "just need stop being sad 5head" I am trying to get through to people to stop feeding into their depression. Your attitude is in part your responsibility, are you going to feed into the positive virtues and all the cool shit you do or are you going to feed into the lie that depression tells you? Also cut me some fucking slack this is a meme and apparently a wake up call for some of you so excuse me for not writing War and Peace to tell you to be nice to yourself, but hey what is a lefty meme but War and Peace right? "Brevity is the soul of wit"? Never heard that quote before, let's just write an avalanche of text to prove a point that shouldn't have to be argued at length on a goddamn Reddit post.





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Reddit Timestamp

9/27/21 13:37


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