
Playlist By

Data Refreshed On

June 9, 2024

Open in Spotify


The best songs - the cream from the Masterlist


Playlist Length

13 days, 8 hours, 59 minutes

Playlist Followers




Playlist Last Updated

May 14, 2024


Mixed Mood

Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Info

Reddit Post

Oh, shit, where to start? How much time you got? How about this: life is a journey, and my love of music has been no less than an adventure. I grew up on Country, then migrated to Rock and Metal as my preferred genres in my mid-teens. In the fifteenish years since, I've gotten more eclectic, and I now make it a point to ask for recommendations from everybody. I've picked up artists across the board - hip hop, jazz, Ska, pop, indie, on and on. I still have a preference for metal, above all else, but I will die on the hill of Taylor Swift, even standing against fellow Metal heads. My nostalgia tunes are often Country music from the 80s and 90s, but I've developed a major issue with the genre, or at least its mainstream content. So, please, because I have issues picking (I get paralyzed when I have too many options), why don't you start by answering your own question - you said yourself you love ranting. And I like getting good recommendations. And then, ask me to answer with any of the below: Favorite all-time album My top rated albums of 2020 so far A new artist I've discovered in the last year or two Or browse this Playlist and ask about a specific artist or two - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1xsn7T3XlfCqswCFslTAKL?si=hN4aXCZwTd2LDtVQZfzaAw (I always make a point of trying to learn about the artists I really like - doesn't guarantee a rant, but could lead to fun discussions)





Reddit Username


Reddit Timestamp

8/28/20 18:01


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