Sremmlife 3

Playlist By

Arjun Chauhan

Data Refreshed On

January 31, 2024

Open in Spotify


Underrated as hell


Playlist Length

0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes

Playlist Followers




Playlist Last Updated

February 17, 2019


Mixed Mood

Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Main Genre:

Hip Hop

Reddit Info

Reddit Post

All the time. One of my favourite hobbies is making my own cut of an album that makes it more concise and and an enjoyable listen. I listen to hip hop in an era of stream trolling so it's genuinely something that makes an album better objectively. My edit of [SR3MM]( - the album of a famous hip hop duo that decided they're releasing a triple disc album when all they're known for is fun party music which flopped like you would expect - has like 10 followers from the /r/hiphopheads subreddit because I reduced it to one concise 56 minute album that keeps the triple disc idea by having the album go through three phases without all the filler and bloat. I've also done it to Drake's [More Life]( which initially flopped because it was another 90 minute stream trolling album. Get rid of about 25 minutes of filler and suddenly you have a legitimately good and underrated album on your hands. I only do it to albums i've listened to extensively so that I *know* the song is something I don't like rather than something that will grow on me. And if a song does grow on me, I find a way to sneak it back into my edit.





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Reddit Timestamp

7/15/19 7:08


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