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February 10, 2024

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Playlist Length

7 days, 4 hours, 12 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

July 8, 2013


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First things first, [this playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Lzb461rpLNb9dVYN3uC7i?si=F-iVjLUZR_eeEWY67rt-aA) contains some of the absolute best music ever made. It's just true. Next things next, I figure I might as well take another look at my buckets to try and figure out what I can figure out. ## As Townie As They Wanna Be Sameri, Tipsy, hide_and_speak, lily, rhino, bigjoe ## If They're Wolves, They've Got Me Fooled SlyBuck, epolur, DealeyLama ## Everybody Else * /u/alishbazya - I get that nobody is 100% comfy putting their own life on the line in P1, but was there seriously nobody else in the game you would have wanted to save if they were a targeted townie? Rubs me the wrong way. Then again, only took 3 minutes to claim a shop that nobody else has claimed (that I honestly would have guessed should be in a different category). But if you're a wolf, you're the talkiest wolf we've had in the game. I think the uncontested (and quick) shop reveal combined with using the meta-reveal item on Tipsy in P5 has got me leaning town here. I feel like a wolf would have just sat on the meta reveal item rather than giving the townies a 100% trusted townie. **Verdict: Lean Town** * /u/catchers4life - Definitely been on the quiet side this game. First person to claim Hogsmeade Station (which would be an easy one to guess), but I feel like the Travel category isn't crowded enough to scream "there's a wolf here". You've had 2 uncontested save item claims (Bodyguard and Doc), though you haven't actually saved anyone. **Verdict: Lean Town** * /u/chefjones - Trying to play a quieter game than earlier this month and still \#5 on the total comment count list. Relatively quick to claim your shop. Not sure how easy it would be to guess Shrieking Shack was After Dark. Had an uncontested claim to a Doc item. Definitely showing signs of less focus than the first game this month. **Verdict: Genuinely Undecided** * /u/dawnphoenix - Solid middle-of-the-pack commenter, which I consider the wolf danger zone. First person to claim your shop, which is a point in your favor. Only claimed one item all game, so either RNGesus is being unkind or you're not telling the whole story. There's not a lot to go on despite my overall impression that you're a vet that Knows How To Play. **Verdict: Sus** * /u/nosuacebarnoo - Quietest person still alive. There are four dead people who have been more talkative. Vouched for by a known wolf, which could be RPM trying to pocket you or RPM trying to protect a teammate. I can believe you were asleep when the call went out to claim shops and you were the 2nd one in Zonko's when you woke up (too convenient?). Two items claimed and neither particularly towny. **Verdict: Sus** * /u/the-phony-pony - Slightly above-average commenter. First person to claim in the Leisure category and claimed a shop that many folks were surprised wasn't in Food. Also the only person to claim your shop. Only two items claimed, both Category Seer confirming others' categories (bigjoe & Yuri). All of that looks fairly good, but there is the issue of some dodgy vote counting (counting votes people hadn't committed to yet) and a slight misunderstanding of the rules regarding the item block item (it doesn't work on people whose shop is sponsoring) that both strike me as mildly wolfy. **Verdict: Genuinely Undecided** * /u/TheLadyMistborn - Great job putting together your buckets this phase. That's a great way to take the attention off of yourself if you're a wolf. You're currently \#3 on the total comments list, so if you would win talkiest wolf of all time for that. Dogweed & Deathcap is an easy claim for Home & Garden and you made your claim pretty quickly. But you've got the shop to yourself, which is a point in your favor. You claimed to have had the Doc item in P1 but didn't use it, which seriously rubs me the wrong way. It's not like you had to put your own life on the line like alishbazya with the Bodyguard. Outside of that, no items of consequence. **Verdict: Genuinely Undecided** * /u/YuriAwakens - Low end of the middle, as far as activity goes. Pony vouched for your shop category, but you were the last one to claim in Food and I figure there's gotta be a wolf in your shop. You've had a steady stream of items, but nothing significant to report. When you got a save item (redirect the elimination item in P7), you failed to use it. **Verdict: Sus** *DealeyLama casts WereBot*





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5/20/21 14:08


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