El mejor pop-rock español

Data Refreshed On

February 10, 2024

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Playlist Length

0 days, 12 hours, 9 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

December 6, 2018


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Somewhat Popular



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It really depends on your preferences, but here are some suggestions: * Héroes del Silencio: probably the most international rock band from Spain. They were huge in the 90s, specially in South America and some palces in Europe. If you like this one, also check Soda Stereo. They are Argentinian, but in similar lines of rock. And probably the most popular rock band ever in South America. *Extremoduro: Another big Spanish rock band. This one is quite eclectic, getting into different styles, but definitely interesting to check out. If you like this one, try out Marea too. * La Fuga: A soft-rock band. It is a good reference to get into what's the sound of the typicall Spanish Rock. If you like it, I would suggest you to check other bands like Platero y Tú, Rosendo, Los Suaves, Barricada, Reincidentes, La Polla Records... (the last two closer to punk) * Ska-p: This band is huge in all South Europe. They are basically ska music (as you would've guessed), but really interesting. On the same lines of this one, La Raíz. * If you want to check some interesting fusion with flamenco sounds, a bit softer, I would recomend bands like El Puchero del Hortelano, Estopa, La Pegatina, Delinqüentes... * If you are more into regular pop sound, check out Mecano, La Oreja de Van Gogh, Manel, Melendi, El Último de la Fila... Hope you find something interesting - I created a while ago a playlist with interesting Spanish music. Check it out too: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2TqPJf3TfwGFWLDLdjeiUx?si=ofcOXcnlQTuxyyQqps1aTA&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1





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Reddit Timestamp

10/10/21 5:10


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