Playlist to show to cool people
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Playlist Last Updated
May 6, 2024
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These are the playlists that frequently match with Playlist to show to cool people based on the categories below. Check-out each category for additional playlists.
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Playlists matched by number of shared artists
Es confuso verdad?
teen angst with a splash of sexual tension
Oct 2023
Moonlight on the river
shinji ikari's depression playlist
you're gonna wanna be my best friend
Indie Music (
hayloft by mother mother
killing stalking
🎧 | On a rainy night balcony
how we felt reading oyasumi punpun
Indie Noise
how - clairo
mentally ill bitches unite
songs for mentally ill pinterest users (not orginal playlist)
я не хочу умирать, но и жить больше не хочу.
♡ 3am thoughts
Playlists matched by number of shared sub genres
hayloft by mother mother
♡ 3am thoughts
dumb playlist
alt tiktok songs
Reset music
Indie/Rock Music
aubrey .. omori
songs which remind me of my trauma
eventually - tame impala
danganronpa tik tok vibes c':
interstate 5
hyperpop to scratch my little rat brain
september 2019
pov: laying on your bed, headempty
killing stalking
Playlists matched by shared audio characteristics. Audio characteristics capture the mood of the music but can sound different.
Preserved Jams
room 404
driving at night
cult of vin
POV: You don’t know if you’re the ✨main character ✨or “classmate #4”
love seeping from their guns
Atlanta concerts - 05/01-05/07
las de no tirarse porque tienes vértigo
Visiting and revisiting the old and new
Cabin Fever
Valspire Family
dont panic
#a healthy sort of noise engine
BIRP! August 2017
2010s God Tier
Newspaper Radio Station
Playlists matched by number of shared songs
a poets playlist
stargirl vibes
Edit Audios - TikTok
ricky-esque vibes
Indie Music (
Moonlight on the river
whatever goes in my mind
Arsonist guide to vibing
Vibé Downe
byler <3
»•» engrish «•«
mid shit mix
Beautiful Prince Disorder
🎧 | On a rainy night balcony
fuck everyone , i love you